Chapter Two

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Hayley POV

We have been in Hogwarts for only a few hours. Me and India are unpacking our bags and setting our uniforms out on our beds, to wear at the first feast of the year. I can't wait to see the new first years faces as they get sorted into their houses.

"I am so excited." India explains as she bounces around the room.

"And why might that be?" I asked.

"No reason." She lied as she stops bouncing around.

"India I have known you since we were 11. I know when you are lying. So tell me India Clarkson or I will karaoke chop you!" I demanded

"Fine, fine I'm excited to see your brother." She said as she tries not to make eye contact with me. My brother is George Grindelwald, but my dad isn't Gellert Grindelwald. My mother slept with Gellerts son and then she ended up pregnant and my ass of a brother. I hate him. Well not hate him but I dislike him.

"Ew... You like my brother that's gross." I pretend to throw up while she giggled.

"It's not my fault your brother is hot." She replied with a smile on her face.

My eyes widen. " So you are betraying our friendship by going after my brother." I said then she laughs. "I'm just going to forget that you said that and I'm going to get ready for dinner." I said as I walk into the bathroom to get ready. I roll my skirt up to just above my knees since I don't like long skirts and I put on my cloak.

Draco POV

I'm walking around the halls of Hogwarts trying to look for a way to get to the room of requirements where I won't get caught and I finally found a way. I stand there for a moment and nothing. Nothing is happening. Not a thing. So I decide to go back up to the common room to get ready for the first feast of the school year.

As I make my way into the boys dormitories and head to my room, that I share with George and Blaise, I notice that there is a lot of noise coming from our room. I walk in and see Blaise and George arguing, it's probably something about a girl like they always argue about.

"Where on Merlins beard were you, Malfoy?" George asked as he walks over to his bed as if nothing happened between him and Blaise.

"I was nowhere. What were you two arguing about?" I roll my eyes and go to my drawers to get my uniform out.

"Oh we were..." George starts but then I cut him off.

"Oh I don't actually care Grindelwald. I was pretending to be a concerned roommate but then I would have to act like I care and I don't want to act tonight." I stated as I took off my black blazer and I set it on my bed.

"Really you don't care about what we were talking about?" Blaise questioned.

"Yes I don't care and I don't want to know so don't you dare open your mouth." I demanded. "And that goes to the both of you. Now if you'll accuse me." I walk into the bathroom and I put my uniform then I come out of the bathroom and see Blaise and George in their uniforms. "Did you two get changed in front of each other?"

"Um... Yeah is that a problem?" Blaise asked.

"You know what, just come on we are going down to the great hall before all the food is gone." I said as I walk out of the room and they follow.

Hayley POV

As me and India walk up the stairs leading from the dungeons into a hallway, we see George, Blaise and Draco Malfoy. Draco is a vision. I mean umm... Don't listen to me.

"OMG. George is there." India noticed then in front of us then pats down her dress.

"Yes India I can see." I stated. "How about we go up to them?"

"That would be stu..." She stopped and looked ahead of her.

"Well, well, well look who we have here." Blaise said then George turns around.

"Please don't attack two innocent young ladies who are just passing through to get some dinner." She joked with puppy dog eyes.

"Innocent? You must be joking." Draco says as he turns around and we make eye contact, then I look away.

"What are you on about, Malfoy?" I asked.

He looks me up and down. "Oh nothing."

"Would you all hurry up? The food will be gone by the time we get there." Blaise announced then we follow him.

I find it strange that Draco is not walking but after I walk past him he grabs my arm telling me to hang back. "What do you want Malfoy?"

"Your skirt is to short. Roll it down!" He said as he looks into my eyes.

"How about no." I replied as I look back into his eyes.

"That wasn't a request it was a demand. Now roll your smirk down before I have to pull it down." He demands as he walks closer to me.

"I said no. Got it, Malfoy?" I said as he walks closer to me while I walk backwards and hit a wall then he closes the gap.

"Really? Are you sure your not going to roll it down." He said as he stares into my eyes.

When I look back into his eyes I forget where I am and all I can think about is him. And his lips. Wait what am I talking about. "Umm... Yes I'm sure."

After I finished talking he wrapped his hand around my neck just about hard enough to allow me to breath slightly. "Well then I'll do it for you."

He removes his hand from my neck and moves both hands down to the rim of my skirt and unrolls the four times I rolled it up while his eyes remain locked with mine. "Now that wasn't so hard was it?" He brought his hand back up and wrapped it around my neck.

"N-No it wasn't!" I replied as I gulped.

He laughed then removed his hand and moved closer to me and whispered in my ear. "You know, I'd prefer you without anything on."

Those words made butterflies erupt in my stomach. He then moved away from me and walked towards the great hall. What. The. Hell. Just. Happened. I followed after him.

We made our way over to the Slytherin table and I sat down beside India. All of the first years have been sorted into their houses but Dumbledore isn't telling us to eat. Weird.

Someone one bursts through the hall doors. "Hey bitches, I'm here to rain havoc on everyone." The girl announced. "Nah I'm just kidding." She skips up to the front of the hall.

"Jade please, no need to make such a grand entrance." Dumbledore said.

"Sorry head master D, it was just a reflex." She replied as she sits down on the seat getting ready for to be sorted.

Everyone looks at each other on confusion. I turn to India. "Do you know who she is?"

"She is Malfoy's cousin, a Lestrange" India said as I turn back around to look at Jade.

The hat gets placed on Jades head. "So Mr hat, what do you see?" Jade asked the hat.

"Well I see that you are a lestrange, you are a trouble maker, you look up to your mother but you would never admit it, better be..." The hat said. "SLYTHERIN!"

"Thank you Mr Hat!" Jade replied then got up and walked over to the empty seat across from me and India. "Hey India, long time no see."

"Hello Jade." India looks at her with a death glare. "This is Hayley."

Jade looks the half of my body that is above the table up and down. "Ah yes, Hayley, I've heard a lot about you." She smiles at me and I smile back.

"I'm..." I start to speak but then I see Draco walking off. "Accuse me." I say as I get up.

I walk out the of the great hall and see him in the distance down a hallway so I follow after him. Where on earth are you going Draco Malfoy?

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