Chapter One

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This is just like my other story 'Secrets' but this is going to have a lot more information.


Hayley POV:
It's the beginning of the sixth year at hogwarts. It feels different somehow. During the summer I found out something huge, but I have act normal, like that summer never happened.

"Earth to Hayley." Screamed India. "Were you listening to me."

"I'm sorry but I was totally zoomed out. What did you say?" I asked with a smile

"You never listen to me." She says in an annoyed tone while rolling her eyes. "Are you excited?"

"I guess." I sigh because in truth I'm more worried than I am excited, since I have to keep an eye on a certain someone which I'm sort of looking forward to since I've had a crush on him since the third year of Hogwarts, even though he is a complete jerk and I don't know why on earth I fancy him.

Some girl comes running into our booth on the train. "Guess what?" Me and India look at each other with a confused face. "I just seen Malfoy in the bathroom and he has..." She looks around to see if anyone is looking then she whispered, "the dark mark."

I stand up suddenly and guide her out of the booth. "Ana I'm sure you just imagined it so I think it's best NOT to say anything to anyone else, you don't want to go ahead and spend rumours that aren't true around, do you?" I asked as she shakes her head. "Good." I blurt and she leaves our booth then closes the door and I sit back down to face India. India is apart of the Clarkson family who are loyal death eaters and her Father is very loyal to Lord Voldemort and her mother is a Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's sister to be exact. She is the only one, besides Snape, who knows that Lord Voldemort is my dad, that I have the dark mark and knows what I have to do.

"How can Malfoy be so stupid? I thought he was smarter than this. When I get a hold of him I'm going to ripe his little head off." She roared as she gets up and paces quickly around the booth.

"I'm sure he didn't mean for it to be seen." I object. "It was probably an accident."

She sits back down. "Well he could've hid it with spells like we do." She snaps. "Or make sure no one was around."

"He probably doesn't know the spell, since he is pretty stupid." I say as we both laugh.

Just then we hear a voice. "Who is pretty stupid?" As soon as I hear the voice i know who it is. Draco Malfoy. That's just great.

It's been a few minutes since Draco came into the booth and India and I are sitting down across from him. In silence. All of a sudden the silence breaks...

"Who's going to tell me the person that is pretty stupid?" Draco questioned.

"You know what Malfoy..." said India as she gets up from her seat and grabs Draco by the collar of his shirt, "just because we are cousins, doesn't mean I won't kick your ass. How can you be so stupid?"

"Stupid? How am I stupid?" Draco questioned.

"Oh you seriously have to ask? Showing a pathetic little Hufflepuff, who is going around telling everyone, your dark mark." She screamed, but thankfully no one heard her. Then I realised she told him about someone seeing his dark mark with me in the same room. He quickly glances over at me then looks back to India.

"What dark mark?" he asked in a defensive tone.

"Oh I don't know," she grabs his arm and pulls up his sleeve, "this one."

I stand up pretending I'm shocked as I walk over, look at it and I touch it, but then Draco pulls his arm away, grabs my arm which causes me to gasp and he pulls down his sleeve. He pushes me down onto the seat.He leans over me, "You aren't going to tell anyone are you Johnson?" Draco Questions.

"N-N-No." I answered.

"Of course you aren't. Your a nobody. No one would believe you and no one would want to, you filthy little mud-blood." He hissed.

Those words drove me insane. Mud-blood. I've been called it multiple times, mostly by him and it never bothered me, but now I know that I'm not a muggle-born, it drove me crazy. But I can't say anything. He looks me up and down with a devilish smirk on his face and adds a wink then he gets up, fixes his suit then leaves the booth.

Draco leaves the booth leaving me and India in the booth. "I'm so sorry H, I forgot that Draco doesn't know your a death eater." She said.

"It's fine India, I don't blame you, I blame myself for not saying anything to him." I replied and she gives me a hug.

I feel the train stop and I get up and I leave the train.

As I get off the train, I see Hagrid lead the first years to the boats. A few moments later I hear someone breathing behind me, from the minty smell to the sound of the breathing, I know exactly who it is.

"Watch your back Johnson." Draco hissed.

"I would say the same but why would you listen to a nobody like me." I say sarcastically.

Draco bends down and whispers into my ear. "Don't ever talk back to me Johnson, or you'll have to get punished."

Those words made butterflies erupt in my stomach, as I can tell by his tone he meant it and I was thinking about saying something but nothing came out. He moves away, walks in front of me and winks which makes me look away. From the corner of my eye I see him walking away and all I want to do is run up to him and kiss them beautiful looking lips, but my feet don't allow me to run towards him.

I look around to see if I can spot India when I feel someone behind me. "What did he want?" India questioned.

"You don't want to know." I said in a fed up tone then I start to make my way up to Hogwarts and she follows after me.

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