Chapter Eight

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A/N: Just to let you know, Aidans signature smell is red apples, coffee, fresh air and fire.

TW: Sexual scenes.

Hayley POV

'I'm the only one you can trust.' I've been trying to think what he meant by that. I mean I trust India, I trust my brother, but I don't know if I trust Aidan.

It's a Sunday night, it's 9pm and I just realised that I need to get my potions book back off of my brother who said he would give it back to me. So I leave my room and I go up to Draco's, Blaise's, Aidan's and George's room to get the book off of him.

Knocking on the door, I had a feeling that he was going to open the door and when the door opened it was him. Holy moly. He was shirtless.

"Um... Is my... brother here?"I asked but I was distracted by Draco's abs.

"He out with the other two boys that sleep here." He replied as he leaned against the door frame while folding his arms and staring at me.

"Well I just need to get something. So can I co..."I get cut off by him pressing his lips against mine and I'm not complaining.

I kiss him back while wrapping my arms around his neck as we break apart. "I take that as a yes." I then kiss him back, then we move into the room and I shut the door behind me. He sets me on the bed then I remove my top and my shorts as I still stare at him as he takes off his sweatpants and he pushes me towards the top of the bed then he gets on top of me. We go back to kissing each other's lips. I let his tongue slip easily into my mouth.

After around a minute of kissing each other's lips, he kisses from my lips to my neck while running his cold hands down my sides slowly causing butterflies to appear in my stomach. While he kisses my neck I run my hands through his hair. He then goes lower kissing every inch of my body as he reaches my pants. With his teeth he removes my pants I arch my back so he can take them off. He then remove his boxers which reveals his penis. Holy moly. It is still big.

I then lie back down with him on top of me as he bends down to my ear. "You are such a slut."He gets back up and smiles at me, he slips his dick in causing me to moan but he covers my mouth with his hand as he whips out his wand and puts a silencing spell on the room then removes his hand and kisses my neck.

I feel it go deeper. "Oh...Oh...Oh...Oh..."Each 'oh' getting louder as he is aggressively kissing my body and I feel it going deeper. We release our cum at the same time.

After 3 minutes, he removes it and moves up to my lips by kissing my body. After 5 minutes of aggressively kissing each other's lips, we break apart and he lies down beside me. He wraps his arms around me. As we lie on his bed, he runs his finger alone my shoulder making shapes with his cold hands, while shivers run up my spine.

A few minutes later George, Blaise and Aidan come and my eyes widen. Shit. I hope they don't notice me but of course they do.

"Well, well, well look what we have here." Blaise said and then George turns around to face us.

"Malfoy, what did I tell you about sleeping with my sister again." George stated very angrily as he runs over to the bed and punches Draco in the face and he gets a bloody nose.

"Again?" A very confused Aidan questioned.

"It's my fault brother I'm came in to get the book I lent you and I saw Draco and I kissed him." I lied. "And I think it's best if I go." I get up and quickly slip my clothes back on.

"Here sis." George said as he was handing me the potions book and I smiled at him.

"Thank you brother." I replied while walking out of the room but I was followed by George.

"Hayley wait." He called and I stopped and turned to face him. "Be careful around Malfoy I don't want to see you get hurt and especially by him, because if he does hurt you..."

"Look who's trying to be a protective big brother." I said as I hugged him. "I can take care of myself George."

"I know but I can't help but try and protect you especially from boys and especially from Malfoy." He stated as I roll my eyes and begin to walk off.

"Goodbye brother." I replied as I wave at him behind me. I make my way up to my room and I see Jade and India are still sleeping and I jump into bed and fall asleep straight away.

It's a Monday morning and I'm in potions class with Professor Slughorn, but to be honest a prefer Professor Snape teaching potions but I'm happy he finally got to teach the subject that he wanted to teach since I was first year.

While Professor Slughorn is talking about what we are doing today, me and India are in the back of the class mumbling to each other hoping we don't get called upon.

"Miss Johnson, can you tell us what this potion is?" Slughorn asked and I looked at him.

"What potion is that Professor?" I questioned.

"Amortentia." He replied.

"It is the most powerful love potion in the world." I stated then he nods his head. "Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them." I look over to Draco who is staring at me then I look down.

"Yes Miss Johnson that is exactly what it is." I looked back up as he smiled at me and I smiled back. "Would you like to be the first to smell?"

"Do I have to Professor?" I asked and he nodded his head.

I walk over to the potion that is sitting beside him and I really don't want to find out who I smell, I bend down to smell the potion "I smell..."

I get cut off by Professor McGonagall dragging Aidan by the collar into the classroom. "I believe that this one belongs to you, Professor." She stated.

"Ah yes he does. Mr Dolohov please grab your book and stand with the rest of the class." Slughorn demanded the McGonagall left the room and closed the door. "Now Miss Johnson you were about to tell us what you smell."

I put my nose back down to smell the potion again since I forgot. "I smell green apples, mint, hints of citrus and a slight scent of a subtle cologne." I stated as I was about to stand back up but then I got a hit of something else. "I can also smell red apples, coffee, fresh air and fire." I stood back up and I knew exactly who I smelt. I smelt both of them.

I walk back to stand beside India and I look over to Draco who is talking to Pansy and holding her hand then kissed her. He is such a ass. I can't be in this room anymore. "Professor, may I be excused?" I asked and he nodded his head.

I walked out of the room holding my books and walked into the hallway. Feeling a tear falling down my face, I wiped it away. I cannot believe I was about to cry over some boy. I'm going to make him wish that he never kissed Pansy.

That boy is going to be sorry.

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