Chapter Thirteen

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TW: Sexual scenes.

Hayley POV:

It's been a few hours since I've have been back to Hogwarts and I can't get what Draco said out of my head out of my head. 'You don't do it for me anymore.' I need to know what he meant by that and quickly. I'm finishing putting my clothes into my chest of drawers, when Jade comes in. It was weird. She didn't say anything.

"Hey Jade." I said in a confused then she turned to face me.

"OMG hey Hayley." She runs over and hugs me. She is acting weird.

"What's up?" I asked as she pulled away.

"Oh nothing." She mumbled.

"What's wrong?" I question while raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing. Jeez why does everyone think there's something wrong there isn't ok. So stop asking what's wrong I swear there's nothing." She panicked which got me worried.

"Ok you don't have to tell I was just being a concerned friend." I stated while my hand was on her shoulder then I began to walk out of the room.

"I'm pregnant." She blurted then I stopped dead. Okay I was not expecting that.

I turn around to face her with my eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah I know it's so stupid of me but I am keeping it." I stated as she sat down on her bed.

"I wasn't going to tell you to get rid of it." I replied as I sat down beside her.

"I know it's just that..." She breathed in. "My dad told me to get rid of it."

"Your dad?" I questioned. I didn't know she knew who her dad was. I guess I missed a lot over the summer.

"Yeah I found out who he was over the summer." She stated.

"Oh, who is he?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter. I killed him." She said casually. The way she said that scared me. "I'm starving." She got up and left the room then I followed her.

Jade and I walked into the Great Hall for the sorting ceremony. We make our way to the Slytherin table to watch the ceremony. A few minutes into the ceremony I look over to the entrance and I see him staring at me then he walks off and I feel like he wants me to follow him.

"I'll be back in a bit." I whisper to India and Hade and they nod. So I get up from my seat and leave the hall and follow the direction of where draco was going.

I follow them into the hallway where me and Draco first connected. Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me. And I know exactly who it is.

"Why did you follow me?" Draco asked.

"I need to talk." I stated with my back facing him.

"About what?" He questioned while walking up to me and playing with my hair.

"About what you said on the train." I turned around and our faces are now inches apart.

"I meant what I said Johnson." He stated. "Or should I say Riddle." My eyes widen. He knows.

"Riddle? Who's Riddle?" I asked knowing exactly that I'm a Riddle.

"Don't play dumb Hayley. I know that you are a Riddle since I over heard Bellatrix and your father talking about you." He stated. "Why didn't you fucking tell me?"

"Because I didn't want you to act like a bitch." I shouted.

"Just shut up Johnson." He said as he kissed me.

Draco brings me into the room of requirements. He places me down on the sofa. He gets on top of me and unbuttons his shirt and throws it on the ground. Holy moly. I forgot about his abs. He kisses my lips and I kiss him back, I can tell that the kiss was filled with anger. I take off my jumper, he helps unbutton my shirt, I get up, he slips it off and throws it on the ground and goes back to kissing my lips. He slowly moves down my body making sure he covers all inches of it. When he gets down to my skirt he removes it and I kick off my shoes and I fling them off and they hit something that makes a loud bang but that doesn't stop Draco from kissing my body aggressively.

Slowly he makes his way back up after kissing my tummy and kisses my neck leaving hickeys all over it. I unbuckle his belt and I take it off him. As I take off his trousers, I can feel him smile as he is still kissing my neck. Now we are both left in our underwear, he helps me slip off my pants and he stands up to take off his boxers. As he takes off his boxers, I can't help but look at his penis. Holy moly. I forgot, over the summer, how huge it was. I bite my lip as I watch him come back on top of me and kisses my lips. He slips it in and I moan, he kisses my lips to distract me from the feeling of it and as he does this he runs his cold hands with all his cold rings down my back. He takes it out then gets off of me.

Draco puts his clothes back on then just walks out of the room. He is such an ass. I get up and put my clothes on then I walk out of the room after him.

As I walk out of the room I see a group of people mumbling them when they saw me they stopped. They just stared at me. It was creepy. I just walked past them not saying anything.

"There's the youngest Riddle." I heard one of them say. My body fills with anger. Him. He told people. I'm going to kill him.

I walk back into the great hall and all heads turn to me and the whispers start. I really hate all this attention. Walking over to the Slytherin I notice his smug looking face staring at me and I want to punch it but I don't. I just sit down beside Jade and India.

"I'm going to kill Malfoy for doing that." India said to me.

"He was the one who told?" I questioned while turning my head to Draco and shooting him death glares.

"Yes and I'll kill him if you want." Jade said as she smiled at me. The way Jade talks is kind of scary but I guess it makes sense because of her mother.

"I don't need you to kill him Jade." I smiled back at her then I turned to face Draco. "I'll kill him myself." I get up and walk up to him.

"Well, well. Hello little Riddle." Blaise joked.

"Shut the hell Blaise or I'll kill you too." I said as I looked at Draco who had a smirk on his smug looking face. "Why the fuck did you tell everyone?"

"Because I felt betrayed." Draco joked then all the other boys laughed.

"Good one Draco." Goyle said. I might kill him too.

"That's it." I mumbled and I was about to get my wand out but then I felt a hand on my arm which made me stop. It was Aidan.

"That's what?" Draco asked in a jokey tone.

"Shut up Malfoy." Aidan said then pulled me away from Draco and his gang.

I hate him. I hate everyone.

How did my life get so messed up?

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