Chapter Nine

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A/N: I know there isn't a Ball in the sixth year but let's just pretend there is.

TW: Mention of sexual things.


Draco POV:

Did that girl seriously just leave? Why? I just kissed Pansy to make her jealous I didn't expect her to storm out of the room like the brat she is. I noticed that Aidan chased after her like he was begging for her to date him. He won't dare touch what is mine. I felt Pansy grab my hand and I wanted to punch her in the face.

"What on earth are you doing?" I questioned as I looked at her in disgust.

"Oh Drakypooh, I'm just holding your hand." Pansy said. Drakypooh? Drakypooh!? What on earth? I throw her hand out of mine then I walk over to stand beside Blaise.

"Mr Malfoy would you like to tell me you smell." Slughorn asked while he was eyeing me and I walk over to the potion and bend down to smell it.

I smell a hint of hot cocoa, fruits, fresh pages from a book and wild flowers. Oh. My. God. I smell her. That slut made me fall for her. Oh who I'm I kidding I love the feeling of her body against mine and the way her hair felt intertwined with my fingers. And I love the way I make her fell vulnerable.

"Mr Malfoy, what did you smell?" Slughorn asked.

"Umm... Nothing." I lied.

"Nothing?" He questioned is he fiddled with his fingers.

"Yes. Nothing." I stated.

"Mr Malfoy are you sure? Smell again just to be sure." He demanded and I did it even though I knew what I smelt but I didn't want to admit it.

"Yes I smelt nothing. What a surprise I'm not attracted to anyone. People are attracted to me." I shouted.

I stormed out of the classroom to see Hayley and Aidan kissed down the hallway. I got angry but I didn't want them to see me so I decided to rush down another hallway so they didn't see me.

I rushed to the common room quickly and I was filled with anger. Why is she being such a slut? She is going to get punished for making me feel this way.

As I was consumed in my thoughts I didn't realise Blaise was behind me until I turned around and nearly jumped out of my skin.

"What's up Blaise?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you that there is going to be a ball tomorrow." He stated.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Well I wanted to host a party but Dumbledore told me to do a ball so I did." He answered.

"Yes I get that, but why tomorrow ?" I was getting confused but if it's a ball I'm going to need someone pathetic to dance with and I can't ask Hayley since she's probably going with Aidan so I could ask Pansy but she's creepy.

"Well Dumbledore told me to do it tomorrow so that people don't drink much but don't tell anyone but I'm holding a party here on Friday." He replied and I rolled my eyes and walked to the my room to pick out what to wear tonight.

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