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Its been a year since they were married, still happy as can be.

Nico's POV

I roll over to look at the alarm clock on my side of the bed and see that its 7:00 am, rolling my eyes and groaning knowing I will have to get up soon.  Sometimes I wish they didn't make beds so warm and comfortable.  I moved my hand over to try and find Nina, only to find her side of the bed already made with her not in it.  I frown a bit, releasing she got up to beat me at working out first thing in the morning once again.  I laugh a bit to myself when I see her walk down the hallway and lean on the bedroom door.

"Good morning sleepy head."  She says while leaning on the door, a water bottle in hand.

"Hello beautiful.  What time did you get up this morning?  I can't believe you best me to it again!" 

"5:30 on the dot.  I'm surprised I didn't wake you up."  She's now walking towards me and about to sit on the bed, I still can't get over how pretty she looks.

"Did I tell you I love you today?"

"I'm pretty sure you say it in your sleep."  She laughs.  I go in for a hug to pull her back into bed with me.  "Hey!  I wouldn't do that!  I am VERY sweaty!"

"I don't care!"  A fit of giggling and happy laughter ensues as we lay on the bed together.  "I promise I will get up and work out with you tomorrow." 

"You've said that every day the entire time we have been married."

"You aren't wrong."

"I'm glad someone is willing to admit that!  Between you and Dylan, I never thought I'd hear those words come out of anyone's mouth."

"You are always right and I love it.  Now let's go get some breakfast."

"Now this is why I fell in love with you, you shower me with compliments and food.  What more could a girl ask for?"  She smiles as she leans in for a kiss and we finally both get out of bed for the day.

Life has been pretty amazing quite honestly.  Nina is more than I could have ever asked for and now hockey seems to be going even better than I ever thought it would.  I am away a lot, but between Nina's hockey schedule and school we do alright.  Especially in the off-season.  We spend most of our time together and switch between half the summer in Detroit and half in Switzerland, but I don't think we'd have it any other way.  I like the feeling of having another home, it seems like when I am with her that really is home.  I couldn't imagine what life would have been like without her, I really would be lost.  As for other things in life, I heard Dylan finally found himself a girl once he and Zach were, as Nina put it, 'divorced'.  She always talks about how she is sure those two will secretly get married one day, but I don't think Dylan's girlfriend (or Zachs for that matter) would find that as funny as she does. 

"Hey Nico?"

"Yes, my love?"

"What would you say if after I finished college we were to settle down?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, start a family."

A warm smile sits on my lips.  "Really?  You mean it?"

"Of course I do.  I love you and I want to be with you forever.  I've got about a year left of college and I know I won't play at a higher level than that again.  I've always wanted to have kids and I don't see why we really need to wait all that long."

"I'm all in.  I love you and every step of the way we are together."

She walks over to me and gives me a hug and kiss, he small frame melting into mine as we lean on the kitchen counter together.  She looks up at me and smiles a small and comforting smile as I kiss her forehead.

"My gosh you are just so beautiful."

She giggles a bit again and gives me that look she knows will make me weak at the knees.  How did I ever get this lucky with a girl like her.

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