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Nina's POV

hey hallz, what time is practice tomorrow?

Sorry I'm not hallz
My name is Nina

Oh I'm sorry Nina, he
must have given me the
wrong number

My name is Nico

That's cool, where are
you from nico?

I'm from Switzerland
but now I live in New
Jersey, what about you?

I live in Detroit with
my brother

It was nice meeting you
Nico but I have to go I
have practice I can text
you after If you want

I would like that,
Goodbye have fun
At practice

"Who are you texting?" Dylan says as he puts my hockey bag in the back of the car.

"Nobody." I really didn't know who this guy was.

"It better not be a boy."

"Don't worry it's not."

After a close to silent car ride we arrived at the Wayne state ice rink for my practice, Dylan parked the car and I grabbed my stuff.

"I'll see you in a few hours." He smiles and I smile back as I nod and walk into the rink.

    Practice went by incereadibly fast and really was just all skating since our captain was in a grouchy mood.  I grab my stuff and head out to Dylan's car.

"How was practice?"  He can see I'm clearly annoyed.

"C was in a bad mood so we litterally just skated laps until somebody threw up."  I look up at him trying not to laugh.  "What's so funny?" 

"Nothing. I just know exactly how you feel right now and I'm kinda happy it's not me."  He starts to pull out of the parking lot with a smile pasted on his face.  I pull out my phone to text the mysterious boy from New Jersey.

Hi Nico

Done with practice I assume?

Yeah our captain was
in a bad mood so we just
skated laps until someone
threw up.

That sounds awful
what sport do you play?

Hockey.  I play for
Wayne State University
in Michigan

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