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Ninas POV

I arrive in New Jersey to watch Nico's first game of the season.  I love hanging out here, everything is new and different then it is in Detroit.

I am greeted by all the wives, girlfriends, and children of other players as we sit in the lounge and watch the opening ceremony. 

The game itself is very exciting, the end score being 5-4 us, which I was nice because I knew Nico would be in a great mood.

"Hey babe."  I said as he walked out of the lockeroom.

He didn't even say anything, he full on started making out with me.

"Well hello to you too." I laugh when he was done.

"Sorry I'm in a good mood." 

"I can tell."

"Hey you said you wanted to talk to me about something on the way here, what was that about?"

"I'm thinking about transferring to a college in New Jersey for next year.  So I can be with you."

"Really?  Nina that would be amazing."

"I'll have to talk to Dylan but I will see."

"Let's go to dinner to celebrate."

"Babe it's almost 12:00 nothing is open."

"Takeout?"  He laughs as we walk down the hallway to the car.

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Hey guys sorry this is so short but thank you so much for 6k I can't believe it!  Love you all so much 💕

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