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Liked by neeeen10, dylanlarkin71, hallsy09, marner_93, and 13,297 others

Tagged: neeeen10

Nicohischier: Had a great time with a great girl ❤

Neeeen10: I had an amazing time too <3

Marner_93: Awe young love

Austonmatthews: how cute ^^

Zachwerenski: I know Dylan is going to kill me for saying this but this is cute

Tomastatar_21: ^^^^ I second that

Dylanlarkin71: you would be right @ zachwerenski @ tomastatar_21, I am going to kill you both.

>   >   >

Dylan's POV:

"Neen what is this?"  I hold up my phone with the picture of her and nico. 

"We went down to Campus Martius and took pictures."  She said not looking up from her magazine.  I take it from her and put the magazine on the table.  "Dylan what's your problem?"

"Why is he kissing you?"

"Relax Dyl, he was just being sweet."  She smiles a bit.

"Fine.  But I still don't want you dating.  Not until I approve of him."

"That's fine."  She picks up the magazine and starts reading once again.  I walk to the kitchen and lean over the counter and run a hand through my curls.  How am I going to do this?

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