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Nico's POV

I arrive in Detroit and text Dylan, telling him where in the airport I will meet him, knowing Nina is still asleep and that she won't be here.  I sit down and wait until he comes.  I'm so happy he is letting me stay in the spare bedroom at their apartment because I want to see Nina as much as I can while I'm here. 

I see Dylan approach as he snaps me out of my daze of thinking about Nina, the smile on my face growing.

"Hey Nico."  He says happily as he gives me a hug.

"Hey, thanks for letting me stay at your place ."

"It's honestly the least I could do, nina misses you a lot and i know you want to see her as much as you can." 

Thank god he gets it.

"Yeah, I miss her a lot too."

We start walking and once we arrive in his car the conversation starts to pick up again.

"Her doctor said today she might get rid of the crutches."

"Like walk on her own?  Without any help?  Hasn't it only been like 3 weeks?"

He nods.  "She is healing really well, he said today could be the day."

"That's awesome.  I'm so excited, are you ok if I take her out to dinner after?"

"Yeah that sounds fine."

We arrive back at the apartment to see Nina is still not awake, Dylan points to her room and tells me to wake her up.  I walk in and see her peacefully sleeping, I don't want to wake her up.  I lay down in the bed next to her as she starts to stir.

"Dylan?"  She says half awake.

"Think again."  She opens her eyes.  "Nico!"  She hugs me and the smile on her face is huge.  "I thought you were coming later!"

"Nina its almost 10:00."

"Oh oops I slept in didn't I?"  She laughs.

"Yes."  I laugh back.

"Can you grab those?"  She points to the crutches on the side of the room and I can see her struggling to get up.  I pick her up bridal style and hear her laugh.  "Nico!"

"What?" I smile.  I put her down and she stands up, she looks down at my suit.

"You look hot."  She goes on her toes to kiss me and I bend down slightly.  Her lips are so soft, I could stand here all day and kiss her.  Of course her door is open and Dylan walks by.

"Not in my house!"  He yells as he walks by.

Nina rolls her eyes, "It's my house too!"

"Do you pay rent?"  Dylan yells from down the hall.  Nina looks up at me and laughs while she rolls her eyes. "Didn't think so!"  He yells a couple second later.

I grab her crutches and she grabs some clothes. 

"I'm going to change.  I'll be out in a minute."  She says as she pushes me out of her bedroom.

A few minutes later she comes out, she may be in sweats and a sweatshirt but she looks beautiful.  She looks over and sees me staring.

"Whats with the funny smile babe?"

I smile and laugh, "You look great."

She laughs, "why thank you." I kiss her as we head out the door.

I start driving through the crowded city and I catch glimpses of her looking out the window.  She looks so beautiful as all the buildings reflect off her eyes.

We pull up to the hospital rehab center and she gets out while I park the car.  I meet her upstairs a few minutes later as I bought flowers for her.  I walk up to the room and see her crying.  I burst in the door and ask her what's wrong.

"I-I get to walk today."

"That's awesome babe."  I give her a hug and hand her the flowers as she continues to ask the doctor questions.

"So no help, No crutches, nothing?"

"Yes you can walk but no stairs for now.  You still have to take it easy, no working out and NO ice. Understood?"

She nods and looks at me as the doctor leaves the room.

"Do you want to go to dinner tonight to celebrate?" 

"Absolutely.  Watch this!"  She stands up and turns around to face me since I was sitting next to her.

"Look at my beautiful baby girl standing all on her own."  I smile as I hold her hands.

"I'm only 6 months younger than you."  She laughs.

"I love you."

"I love you too nico."

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