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Ninas POV

I get to my seat which is about 20 rows up in LCA, I like to see the entire ice so I can always tell what's going on.  Both Nico and Dylan know where I am sitting but they don't know about eachother.  The teams skate out for warmups and start shooting around and I see Dylan wave to me, I wave back and laugh as Gus stands behind him making a funny face.  They head into the locker rooms and the pregame show starts, my favorite part of majority of the game.  Everyone skates out as they announce the line up for both teams. My nerves start to rise as I see Dylan and Nico skate towards centre ice to take the faceoff to start the game, Brilliant.  I see Dylan look up at Nico and almost immediately feel my stomach drop of nervousness. 

After that point the game seemed to go by incereadibly fast.  Nico scored and of course I went ballistic, i was very happy for him.  He pointed right up towards me after the goal, I saw Dylan eye him and look up at me. Everytime the red wings scored I launched out of my seat.  Dylan got an assist which I knew he would be happy about, but they lost the game so I knew he would still be a little salty when we got home.

I walk down to the visitor locker room and see Nico sitting in his stall without a shirt on, he's really sweaty and has a short pair of shorts on with some high socks.  He sees me and he smiles as he finds a shirt from the floor, I try not to stare at his beautiful abs. 

"Hey."  He says as he puts the shirt on and gives me a hug.  "Sorry I am a little sweaty."  He laughs.

"Its ok, you played great tonight!"

He smiles and looks down.  "I guess so, I'm so glad you came."  He looks back up at me.

"Me too."  After a few moments of silence of us just staring into eachothers eyes I ask a question I've been dieing to know the answer to.  "So where's this Hall-z you keep thinking your texting?"  He laughs as I see someone get up from a stall behind him.

"That would be me, Taylor Hall." 

I nod and start to put it together as Nico just looks at Taylor and starts laughing.

"He never shuts up about you, you know."  He says with his arms folded kind of acting like an authority figure to Nico, right as he said It Nico hits his arm hard without changing his facial expression but slightly giving Taylor a side eye. "What it's true." He mumbles as he walks back over to sit down.

"Your brother played well tonight."

"Yeah he did.  He's actually driving me home...."  I look over to the door and see him standing there staring.

"Nina."  He comes over and puts his arm around me and I scrunch my nose. 

"Nico, this is my brother." Nico reaches out to shake his hand, Dylan is hesitant until I elbow him slightly in the stomach.

"You played well tonight."  Nico says with a slight smile.

"So did you.  Can I talk to you outside for a second?"  Nico looks like a ghost as he follows Dylan out and I internally start to freak out while I start pacing around their locker room as Hallz is attempting to calm me down.

Nico's POV

I follow Dylan as he takes me to one of the club's inside LCA, which is now empty since the game ended about 45 minutes ago.  I feel myself getting increasingly nervous not knowing what is going to happen.  Dylan drops his bag and sits down and pulls out a chair.

"Sit."  He's scary, I sit down and look at him as he leans forward on the table and looks me dead in the eyes with all seriousness.

"So your the famed Nico Hischier huh?"  I nod.  "How did you meet my little sister?"

"I meant to text my teammate, Taylor Hall, and I typed in the wrong number on accident."  He nods slightly, still staring me down.

"What are your intentions with her?"

I have to think about this, I mean I like her, but we are so young and we both have promising careers ahead of us.  Life will obviously get in the way but I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but I do want to be with her.  I realize I've been thinking and probably staring for a minute as Dylan hits the table and I jump.

"I said, What are your intentions with her?"  He seems even more serious now.

"I want to be her friend, we both have promising futures in hockey and she is a great person."  I find myself smiling.

"Good.  Just know if you ever hurt her, you've got something else coming.  From me, Collin, and the rest of the team.  If I hear anything bad from her, it's not going to be pretty."

I knew it wasn't a dead on threat but I knew it was true.  I nod and he's stands and mumbles something along the lines of 'I'm going to kill her' as we walk back to the locker room.

We walk in and Taylor and Nina are the last ones in there, the room completely empty, the two sitting in stalls next to eachother, she seems to have calmed down and I make a mental note to thank Taylor for helping her with that later. 

"Let's go Nina."  Dylan says as he grabs a small bag.

"I'll be out in a second."  She says, her beautiful voice a pleasing sound after what just happened.  Dylan walks out and huffs, as soon as the door closes I let out a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding in. 

"He didn't hurt you or anything did he?  He is so over protective."

"That's what brothers are for I don't blame him."  I take her into a long hug and wait for her to pull away hoping I'm not crushing her in the tight hug.

"Never let go."  She whispers as she squeezes harder.  I smile and pull away as she looks up at me.

"Until next time."  I kiss the top of her head and give her another small hug as I grab my backpack from my stall and walk out of the locker room.

We board the plane to head back to New Jersey and I start to think about the amazing day I had and how much I already miss Nina.  I think I love her.  Soon after I fall asleep, still thinking of her.

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This one is a little on the lengthy side but it needed to all be in one.  Thanks for reading. 💕

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