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Nico's POV

I arrive home and realize we have a game tomorow. I check my phone to see who its against.

"Yes!" I yell.

"Nico?" Taylor yells.

"Yeah sorry I just got home."

"Why are you so happy?"

"I get to see my draft buddy!" I show him my phone for him to see that we are playing the flyers tomorow.

"That's great. How's nina?"

"She's ok. I helped her get back at home yesterday."

"Awe greatest boyfriend ever." He says as he pinches my cheek while laughing, I slap his hand away.

"Yeah yeah, I just wish I could be there for her all the time."

*The next day*

I arrive at the arena so I can hang out with Nolan, I haven't really seen him a whole lot since the start since we have both been super busy with our new teams.

"Nico!" I hear my name called from behind me.

"Nolan!" I run up to him and hug him. "It's been so long."

"I know it's crazy."

"So what have you been up to lately Nolan?"

"Not much, lots of new team stuff.  I assume the same for you?"

"Yeah, but I found this girl.  Shes amazing."

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah.  Shes pretty and funny and super sweet.  I love her."

"Whoa whoa whoa you love her?  Those are some strong words kid."

"I'm only 4 months younger than you and I'm serious she is amazing."

"I have to meet this girl."

"You will.  I would have brought her to this game but she got hurt at one of her hockey games a few days ago and she went home from the hospital yesterday."

"Wow and she plays hockey?  She's a keeper."

We both laugh and walk into the area where the locker rooms part and go our separate ways to get ready for the game.

At the end of the night I got an assist, the opportunity to give Nolan crap because he didn't get any points, and a text from Nina talking me how great I was playing and how hot I looked.  I come out of the locker room afterwards and wait for nolan.  As I see him walk out I stand up straightening out my suit.

"Hey good game man."

"Thanks you too nico, since when did you get so good?"

We laugh and talk for a few more minutes before saying goodbye, me promising to introduce him to Nina.  I can't wait for them to meet because she is amazing and I love hanging out with my friend.  Once again I arrive to an empty apartment since Taylor is still at the rink and fall asleep with thoughts of her dancing in my mind.

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