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Nico's POV

With the victory in the trial yesterday, me and Dylan decided to make Nina a breakfast in bed. 

"What do you want to make?"  He whispers.

"I don't know I am a terrible cook."  I laugh.  "We could try a fruit bowl or pancakes or something."

"I'll grab the mix for pancakes, get the fruit from the fridge."

A few minutes later, the fruit bowl is ready and I look over at Dylan who is struggling to make the pancakes and making a mess in the process.

"What are you doing?"  I laugh.

"I'm trying to make pancakes, don't judge my method."

"Of what spilling half the batter?"  I laugh.

"I said I wasn't good at this."  He laughs.  "Oh no."

A second later I hear an alarm go off in the background as Dylan runs over to get it.  About halfway running to the other side of the kitchen, he slips on water causing him to fall and spill some flower on the floor and in his hair.  I snicker while I try not to laugh until I see Nina walk out.

"What the hell is-" she looks at Dylan on the ground before she runs the other way laughing.

"What are you doing?"  He yells.

"I'm getting my phone, this is priceless.  I'm going to send it to mom!"

"You wouldn't dare."  Dylan yells back as she comes back around the corner taking a picture and showing it already sent to their mother.

"Oh, I think I would."  She laughs.  "So what was this supposed to be?"

"Nico wanted to make you breakfast in bed."

"But we aren't very good at cooking."

"That's pretty obvious."  She laughs, I go over to her and kiss her forehead before my lips move to hers while I grab her waist.  We look over to see Dylan rubbing his hand over his hair and white flour pouring out of it like it's snowing.  We are both laughing really hard until he looks up at us.

"Jokes on you, your cleaning this up."

"It's your apartment Dylan."  Nina says jokingly.  "Be a big boy and clean up your own mess."

Dylan sticks out his tongue as he walks to get a broom while we continue laughing.  She looks up at me and I smile.

"I'm staying here for a little while."

"How long?"

"About a month.  After I want you to come visit my family for a week or two."

"I would love to.  I can't wait to spend the summer with you babe."  She says as she kisses me.  "Why don't we go out to breakfast?"  She suggests.

"That's probably a good idea."  We tell Dylan we are heading out and grab the keys.  "You know I did really try to make you breakfast."

"I know baby, it's not your fault you can't cook."  She laughs as she kisses me while we walk out of the apartment.  I can't believe I got this lucky.

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4K!!  I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH 💕💕 I'm thinking about starting s book about William Nylander next, please let me know what you guys think or if you have any suggestions for other players.

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