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Narrators POV

It's the big day!  Nico and Nina are getting married!  The chapel is packed with Dylans teammates and Red Wings organization people, as well as Nicos teammates and Devils organization people.  Everyone is just beaming with excitement waiting for things to start, but the soon to be newly weds seem a bit nervous.

"Stop freaking out dude, it'll be okay."  Taylor says to the pacing Nico as he can clearly tell he is quite nervous.

"I know.  It's just, this girl is the love of my life.  You know that, I'm just afraid something will go wrong or she will change her mind or..." 

Taylor cuts him off, "woah woah woah!  You know that is not going to happen.  She loves you and you love her, everything will be fine."

Nico visibly relaxes and Taylor does as well, leading to the nervousness in the other room where nina is getting ready.

"Nina you look beautiful."  Dylan says to his absolutely stunning sister.  "I cannot believe you are getting married.  And before I am!?  I call bullshit."

Nina laughs, "I thought you and Zach were getting married?"

"Hey that's not nice!"  They laugh together which dissipates her noticable nervousness as well. 

The day goes by quickly and without a hitch, the newly weds have the time of their young lives and are happily excited to spend the rest of their time with each other.

We aren't done yet boys and girls 😉🙃

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