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Dylan's POV

"Good morning Nina."

"Morning."  She says clearly still very tired as she cruches out to the kitchen to sit down at the bar in the kitchen.

"How did you sleep?" 

"Good."  She says as she pops a grape in her mouth, I raise my eyebrows at her.  "Or not good?"

"You had a nightmare and you were freaking out.  You said he was going to hurt you, you held onto my shirt like if you let go you were going to die."

"Oh.  I don't remember that."  She looks down.

"I know you do.  It's those pain meds, I'm going to call your doctor today and get different ones."

"I don't really need them, it doesn't hurt that much.  Advil will probably work."

"I'm still calling.  Oh and you should tell Nico, I know you don't want to bit he cares and he would want to know."

"Your right.  I really don't want to though."  I hand her the phone.

"Call him.  You know he misses you anyway."  I laugh.  I walk out of the room as she dials the number.

Ninas POV

I know Dylan is right, I should tell Nico what's happening but I really don't want to.  I feel bad telling him because I know he will want to help but he can't and I know he won't like that.  I dial his number and wait for him to pick up.


"Hey babe."  I can practically hear him smile through the phone.

"Hi baby, how are you today?" 

"I'm ok.  There's something I wanted to tell you."

"Sure, what's up?"

I sigh.  "Dylan said last night I had a really bad nightmare, like really bad.  Apparently I was crying and freaking out and holding onto him for dear life because I thought my ex was going to kill me.  It's because of the meds I'm on for my leg and we are getting it changed.  I didn't really want to tell you but he said I should."

"Nina, why didn't you want to tell me?"

"Because it's embarrassing."

"Nina, don't ever be embarrassed about it.  I love you and now that guy is irrelevant, with no effect on you, not anymore.  And Dylan and I would protect you, never letting you out of our sight.  I love you so much and I hate when you are in pain especially when I can't so anything about it."

"I love you too."

After a brief pause I hear him clear his throat.  "So am I or Dylan ever going to meet this guy?  I'd really like to talk to him."

"No.  I don't think it's fair to do anything to him now.  What happened happened and I can't do anything about it now and nethir can you."

"He still deserves to suffer for it."

"I know.  Maybe one day."

"Well I have to go, I love you so much.  If you need anything, do not hesitate to call me or text me."

"I love you too and I will."

I hang up the phone with a smile and see Dylan walk in.

"Awe my little sisters in love!"  He says as he pinches my cheek.

"Shut up!"  I laugh as I smack his hand.

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