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nico places around the apartment while nina is at hockey trying to figure out how he is going to ask her the most important question of their young lives.

he thinks about how this is forever, and how he can't wait for forever to start.  he has the box in his hand containing the small expensive ring, but he just doesn't know how to ask.

he already asked his parents what they thought, and to no ones surprise they were thrilled.  dylan, colin and the parents wasn't as happy but was ok with him being a part of the family.  he waits as he paces hoping to find a solution hit him in the head on what he should do. 

he hears the door lock move and whips around to look, holding the ring behind his back.  to his relief, it's only his teammate, taylor hall at the door.

"dude you cant do that, I thought you were nina."

"sorry I'm just excited, have you figured out how you're gonna do it yet?" 

"no, but I'm going to have you video tape it on my phone and facetime Dylan on yours.  I want him to see this and to be able to show my family."

"ok I'll set that up, you keep thinking.  and don't be too nervous, it'll be ok."

he paces once again and looks at the clock, 4:02.  nina just got out of practice, she'll be home at 4:30.  he starts to get a little more nervous.

he turns all the lights in the apartment off, and turns on the string of fairy lights leading to pictures of them.  he looks at them, laughing at old memories, and begins to think about how the rest of his life will go, and how happy he is.

it's 4:28 and he knows she will be walking through the door any minute,  he stands near the front door trying to calm himself down until he hears the lock turn once again. 

a minute goes by and he hears the click of the door and sees her face, she looks surprised.

"hey baby, what's this?"  she sets her stuff down.

"I want to show you something."  he leads her down the hallway and they stop and look at the pictures he hung with the lights in the hallway, taylor getting every second on tape even thought she doesn't know.  they arrive in the living room to see a phone with Dylan's face on it back at his apartment in Detroit.

"nina, I love you.  I always have, and I always will.  there aren't enough words in both our languages to describe how much I think of you, I don't even know where to start.  I can't live a moment without you and I don't want to.  will you marry me?"  he says as he pulls out the small and simple ring as he gets down on one knee.

the tear falls from her eye as she nods her head and says yes.  Taylor and Dylan clap and hollar as the two stand up and kiss.  Taylor clicks a button and plays 'somebody to love' by queen to top off the moment, they celebrate as he grabs a bottle of sparkling wine and toast to the start of their new beginning.

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