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Detroit Red Wings Groupchat

Guys we have another

What did you do this
time dyl

Is it about the fact that
I beat you one on one
at practice the other day?
I said sorry

No that is irrelevant...

Do you guys remember Tyler?

The one that beat the
hell out of your sister?


Yes. What about him?

I may or may not have
brought him up in an argument
and caused Nina to have
nightmares.  Please help me
fix this.

Oh, Dylan.

Oh Dylan is right.  You
can't really fix this one
buddy, it's in her mind.
You can't battle for her inside
her mind, only on the outside

How can I make it better?

Just be there for her

Thank you guys, I really
appreciate this.

Yeah don't you know this
Is the "let's solve Dylan's problems
As a team" groupchat?

That's is true. And we
Always got both of your

Nina's POV

Alyssa walks through the door and I greet her with a long hug.  Out behind her jumps another familiar face.

"OH MY GOD SARAH!" I run to give her a hug.  Sarah was one of my best friends in high school, we parted our separate ways but we always seemed to find ourselves together again at one point or another.

We move the party over to the couch and I catch both of them up with the recent happenings of me and my life as well as what's going on with Nico, announcing proudly that he is my boyfriend since Dylan is at practice. 

I walk away to grab some food and come sir back to down to see they started googling pictures of Nico and were swooning over him. 

"Hey, he is mine." I said in s playful tone as I pop a chip in my mouth.

We talk for another 2 hours and catch up.  I give them both big hugs goodbye as they leave and I flop back down on the couch. 

About an hour later Dylan walks in the door and seems likes he's in a pretty good mood.

"I'm hoommmeee!" He strikes a sassy pose at the door.

"Well someone's in a good mood today." I say laughing while I walk over to sit on one of the bar stools.

"I'm in a great mood today."  He's practically dancing around the kitchen.

"Dylan are you ok?  Seriously why are you in such a good mood?"

He pulls out a candy bar.  "We have a 3 day break for Christmas and such, which means today is my cheat day."  Dylan is usually pretty serious about hockey and his cheat days and such but he does really like snickers.

"That's great Dylan." I chuckle as I look over at the clock and see it's 8:30pm.  "I'm going to go to bed I have an early practice in the morning.  Goodnight Dylan."

"Night neen, sweet dreams!" Damn he really was in a great mood. 

I climb into bed and stare out the beautiful view of our apartment onto the city of Detroit and fall asleep almost with a grin on my face.

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Thanks for reading.  Let me know what you guys think 💕

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