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Ninas POV

I walk into the same hotel as last time and I start to get nervous. I see Nico sitting in a chair facing the other way so he can't see me yet. I'm wearing a lowercut shirt and tight jeans with a lighter jacket since there is snow on the ground. I walk up to the chair and put my hands over his eyes, I can feel him slightly tense up.

"Guess who?" I can feel him smile. He stands up and gives me a hug, once he releases, grabbing a bouquet of flowers from off the chair. "Nico they are beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as you baby." He looks me up and down as I do the same.

"Speak for yourself, you look hot in a suit." He smiles and looks at me.

"You look hot in everything."

We walk out of the hotel and head downtown trying to find a place to eat.

"Same as last time?" He looks down at me.


We walk in and sit upstairs in the same both and just talk the entire time. Catching eachother up on our lives even though we talk almost everyday. After we finish our food and refuses to let me pay, so I take him to the bakery and I pay for our deserts just like last time. I see him looking down at me and he smiles.

"What babe?"

"Nothing, you just look really pretty." I feel the blush creep on my cheeks.

We walk into a small store and I look at a dress. It's my size with black and purple patterns on it. I pick up the price tag and see it's $300 and put it back. Nico sees me and comes over.

"I think you would look hot in that." He says as his hands find my waist.

"No I don't need any more clothes, especially expensive ones." I put my head in his shoulder.

"I can't wait for us to hang out tonight too."

"I can't wait to see you play, you look so hot in all your gear."

We walk out of the store and back to the arena. I take my seat and watch the boys take the ice.

Nico got the first 2 goals of the game and I was ecstatic. The wings lost so I knew Dylan would be mad but I knew Nico would be so happy. I head down to the locker room to visit Dylan and I see him in his stall.

"Hey guys." I say as I walk in. "You all played great tonight."

"Thanks neen." Dylan says as he gets up to hug me. "Do you need a ride home?"

"No. I'm good I'll meet you at home."

"Ok be safe."

I then head over to the visitors locker room and it sounds like a party. I walk in to hear a bunch of grown sweaty men screaming and hugging Nico.

"Guys guys I have a date in a few I need to get rea... oh hi nina." I hear a few wolf whistles in the background. "Hey shut up she's my girlfriend."

"Hey babe." I go to give him a hug.

"Well I need to change so I'll be back, guys don't bother her too much." He kisses my forehead and goes to shower.

I have a few pleasant conversations with nico's teammates and the main thing I learn is that he talks about me a lot. It made me blush and it made me really happy. He finally comes out in a nice button up and khakis with a small jacket. His skates in hand and another bag as well.

"Let's go babe." He puts his arm around me and we walk out of the locker room and I hear everyone start clapping and yelling as I feel him move his arm to give them the finger.

We head outside and he hands me a blindfold.

"Here, put this on." I give him a confused look. "It's a surprise."

We finally arrive at the surprise and I take the blindfold off to see we are at campus martius. We put our skates on and head to the ice. We race and skate around, I stop at center ice and grab his hand.

"Nico this is amazing I love this."

"And I love you." I feel a blush on my face.

"I-I Love you too nico." I feel him lean in to kiss me at center ice, I never want this to end.

He drops me off back at me and Dylan's apartment.

"Until next time." He kisses me and I open the door. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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