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Nico's POV

After the conversation about tyler with Dylan, nina decides to head to bed and Dylan and I decide to do the same since it's almost 11:00.

*a few hours later

I hear a loud noise and look over at the clock reading 2:26am.  I stand up to see what was the matter and hear Nina crying and Dylan in her room saying something.  I walk in and see Nina in a ball on her bed crying and sweating and Dylan giving her a hug.

"Nina."  I run over to her.  "Does this happen every night?"  Dylan nods his head as he moves for me to give her a hug.

"I'm going to bed, just stay with her for a few she will calm down."

I nod as he slowly walks back to his bedroom.  I hug Nina tight and once I realize she is asleep, head back to the guest bedroom.

The next morning I am woken up by a very happy nina.

"Good morning babe."

"Good morning, what is all this?"  I say referring to the tray of food next to us.


"Awe baby that's so sweet thank you."

We start to eat and eventually get to the topic of nicknames.

"Wha ts my nickname besides neen?"  She asks.  I have to think about my answer for a second before I say it.

"Meine geliebte."

"What does that mean?"

"It means 'my love' in German."

"I love it."  She smiles.

"So what do you want to do today meine geliebte?" 

"We could watch movies and stay in the house today since it's raining and Dylan is at a team thing."

"Sounds good to me."

We pick out 4 movies and get popcorn.  The first movie was Up, which I'm not going to lie was really cute.  The second movie was American Ultra which was super funny.  The third is The Wolf of Wall Street which we are watching right now.  I look over at Nina and see she is falling asleep on my shoulder.  I put my arm around her and dozed off myself.

I wake up to see Nina sound asleep leaning on my chest, my arm still around her, and Dylan standing in the kitchen looking at us.

"It's almost 5:00, I got home around 4:00 and you guys were out so I turned the movie off."

"Thank you."  I whisper back.

"This is crazy, this is the first time in probably a month or so she has slept and hasn't had a nightmare."

I smile.  "Good, I wish I could stay here all the time." 

"Me too.  I'll let you two be."  He says as he walks out of the room with what looks like a bowl of cereal as Nina starts to stir from her sleep.


"Good morning baby."

"I'm so sorry I fell asleep I was really tired."

"It's ok, you didn't have a nightmare!"

"I know, I'm pretty sure it's because I am with you."  She smiles and pushes her head into my shoulder.

"I love you."  I say as I kiss her forehead.

"I love you too.  Don't we have one more movie to watch?"

"Yes we saved the best for last, miracle on ice."  I get up to put in the DVD as Nina grabs a blanket and gets settled to watch the movie.  Even though we were asleep for half of the day, it was one of the best ones I've had in a while.

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I can't believe they traded Mrazek got traded 😭😭😭  rip our chance of actually getting a playoff spot

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