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Ninas POV

"Hey Nina, catch!"  Dylan yells as he throws a football in my direction.

"Can't you see in trying to relax?"  I yell back, apparently he can't see me laying on a towel in the shade with Nico next to me.  I see Zach Werenski, Dylan's best friend (and if you ask me secret boyfriend or something) dive out of no where to catch the football and he gets sand all over me in the process.

"Sorry Nina."  He says as he gets back up.

"It's ok.  Let's go in the water."

He runs over to get Dylan as me and Nico walk to the water.

"Holy shit the water is really cold."  Nico laughs as he just barely gets his toes wet.

"Oh my gosh your right."  Before I even know what's going on I am lifted off my feet by Dylan and Zach.  One has my hands and the other has my feet.  "Dylan you wouldn't dare." 

"One, two..."  Dylan and Zach yell as they swing me in the air.  "Three!" 

I scream and feel the cold water hit my back before I am completely submerged.

"Dylan I'm going to kill you!"  I say as I chase after him.  "Nico get Zach!"  We run towards both of them as I jump on Dylan's back and take him down once we get a little deeper in the water meanwhile Nico is just chasing Zach around trying to splash him.

"Let's go out to the sandbar."  Zach suggests.

We start to swim out to it and of course I'm the first one who can't touch the ground.

"Awe can the baby not touch the ground?"  Dylan laughs in a baby voice as him, Nico, and Zach can all still stand comfortably.

"Shut up!"  I laugh as I swim out and stand up in the sandbar.  "Who's laughing now?"  I yell as I stick my tongue out at them while they catch up.

We all get to the sandbar and get into our group.  I sit on nico's lap who is comfortably sitting down while Dylan and Zach are on the other side of us.

"So how long has this been going on?"  Zach says as he points to us.

"About six months.  We met because he accidentally texted me instead of his teammate."

"How romantic."  Zach jokes.

"Best wrong text I'll ever send in my entire life."  Nico says before he kisses me.

"Ew that's gross."  Dylan says as he splashes us.

"You're such a child.  When are you ever going to get a girlfriend so you can stop third wheeling us?"  I ask as I hear Zach try not to laugh.

"I don't know.  It's hard to find a girl that's willing to deal with this crazy lifestyle and is willing to stick with you.  I'm not home much and when I am it's not for very long."

"I know but there is no harm in looking."

"She is right."  Zach speaks up.

"I guess.  I'll find one some day."

We walked back up to the beach and dried off as Dylan and Zach went to go get something to eat.


"Yes Nico?"

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"  I smiled as I looked over at him.

"Thank you baby, I love you so much you know."

He leans over to kiss my forehead. "I love you too."   

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