Chapter 37: The First Ending

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Third POV

The following months were quiet ones for Evangeline. She wasn't the same after her argument with Snape, but she refused to speak to anyone about it. To her it felt so childish and yet so private of a matter that not even those closest to her deserved to know. On her worse days, she spent hours outside or in the fields of her bag pushing herself magically to her limits. It was an exhausting endeavor but the stress and release afterwards felt freeing. 

Instead of letting herself be consumed by the pain she felt, she acted as normal as she could around everyone. She couldn't help the rage that would grow within her during potions classes though. Watching him teach class as if nothing had happened, barely regarding her with a glance, it drove her mad. 

All she continued to do monotonously was go to her classes, learn, study, and do her work. In between she would train and practice her magic privately. The routine allowed her to forget about things such as emotions. 

Soon enough it was finals and eventually the time in which Evangeline would graduate. Instead of bothering to attend though, she figured she would just get any paperwork that confirmed her graduation from Dumbledore later. She didn't feel enthused to sit amongst classmates who were barely kind to her, and act like everything was great and hopeful. It just seemed too happy for her at the time. 

She stood in one of the outdoor corridors, with stone walls that held clear openings for the cool wind to brush past her. Staring out at the students boarding boats to complete the ceremony of leaving Hogwarts for the last time. Part of her also felt she would find herself back at school at some point in the future. For what, who knows. 

"We missed you at the ceremony, Eva," spoke Remus from behind her. She turned around to see him adorned in fancy robes. 

"I wasn't really interested in being a part of it. It felt so- unnecessary." 

He moved to stand next to her, as they both looked out to admire the view, "Perhaps. Maybe in the future you will regret your decision."

She chuckled lightly, "God I hope not. I absolutely hate regretting things. Are you glad the summer is finally here?" 

"I could do with a long break. I'll admit, I will miss you not being at the school anymore. You're part of the reason why I enjoy working here still." 

"Then you shall have to find another student to favorite. Besides you're changing lives here Remus, teaching people important lessons that they made need in the real world. I think that's far more interesting and enjoyable than me." 

He scoffed, "I never favorited you. I just simply befriended you." 

"Yeah sure. You know Remus, I think I'll take a break myself too. Not much of one since I'm still working, but maybe I'll wait a few months before increasing my work and spreading out with what other things I could do. Maybe go vacation in a country I have yet to visit." 

"You deserve it. And I've told you this, you must write to me. Often. I can't fathom not speaking to you anymore. And if you go to Switzerland anytime, you have to bring me with you again. That's not a request but a demand." 

A loud laugh bubbled out of Evangeline, "There are much more amazing places than just Switzerland. But alright. I still have yet to procure another owl so once I do that, I'll be sure to write often." 

A silence consumed the two of them. Softly Remus said, "Do you think you'll miss being here?" 

"No. I mean there were parts and people I did like while being here, but I never felt like this was a home. I'll look on my memories fondly but I don't think I'll be finding an excuse to return anytime soon." 

"So, what is home then?" 

Evangeline thought for a moment before sighing out, "I guess my bag. It's been the only constant in my life and has always supported me and been there for me. It's not like I have a family to call my home either, so I guess my bag will do for now."

Remus shook his head at her response, "You know nothing that comes out of your mouth ever eases my worry." 

"You worry about me?" 

"Constantly." She was brought back to the familiarity of his declaration, a familiarity that caused Evangeline to get closer and closer to Severus Snape. This time though, she had no idea what to say. 

He looked at her and smiled slightly in an attempt to calm her, "It's alright. It's not your fault whatsoever. I just want you to be safe and happy is all." 

She nodded, "Thank you. I appreciate it. And I'll try." 

"That's all I could ever ask." 

They continued to talk briefly before he remembered there was a final meeting with Dumbledore that he was now late for. It seemed though that an unspoken acknowledgement occurred between the two of them, as if she finally recognized the similarities in her relationships with Remus and Severus, but also understood just how and why they were so different. And it only pained her more, that she couldn't bring herself to feel for Remus the same way she did for Severus. It would've been easier for her to fall in love with him. 

But as she's learned from her years at Hogwarts, nothing has ever been easy when it comes to her life. 

She spent her final hours at Hogwarts roaming the halls, just as she's done countless times before. And when she was finally ready, she teleported away with her bag and decided to go on a new adventure. An adventure that she would take alone.



Hi all! Apologies for the very short chapter, this is simply an epilogue for part 1. I'll explain more in the next chapter which will be an author's note. Just know, this isn't the end. It's just a pause of what could have been and what may be. 

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