Chapter 2: Summer in Hogwarts

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A/N: Okay here's another chapter, early for y'all! Since it's short, I figured it would be best to get out of the way. I hope you all enjoy!


Evangeline's POV

Today was going to be a good day. I could feel it. Throughout the summer to keep me busy, Albus had given me tons of books that were apparently what you learned from the first 4 years at Hogwarts. When the fall begins, I'll be starting as a 5th year. I'm not even quite sure what classes I'm taking yet, but Albus assures that I'll know in time. 

What's kept me busy is working out and practicing my magic. The outdoors frequently call to me, so I spend most of my time on the castle grounds, especially near the Black Lake. Octavius likes spending time outside too. 

I would often spend a lot of my time sitting by a tree and reading. Then whatever spells I learned, I would use my hands to do first before using my wand. I could be wrong, but I feel like wandless magic is a little better and easier than wand magic. However, I practiced both ways so I wouldn't be completely lost in class. 

I promised myself I would try to seem normal when the semester started. I'd often tell Albus my plans since I had no one to talk to about them. I don't really know if he was ever paying attention, but the company was nice in itself. 

The issue I've recently found is working with potions. I like the concept of potions, but finding ingredients and the tools to practice has proven difficult. Albus has given me some starter items to work with, but I've memorized the easier potions by now. I was told that there was a potions classroom with some ingredients hidden within it, so I may have to sneak down there and steal some for myself. 

I went down into my bag and picked up my dagger. It's the nicest thing I own, and I've taught myself to use it ever since I got it about 3 years ago. There were times I was on the streets and wanted a weapon to defend myself, without using magic all the time. I found blades were much more inconspicuous than a firearm, and I felt more comfortable with the versatility of the blade. 

I practiced throwing, using my arm and energy to stick it into the tree. After a few failures, I originally got the hang of it. I've noticed it's mostly muscle memory. I wish I had a target to practice with, but a tree will have to do. 

Soon I got bored with the practice and began to figure out something else to do. Since no one is on castle grounds in the summer, I don't really have to worry about hiding myself outside. This has given me the freedom to practice one of my secret skills, one that not even Albus knows yet. I don't even think I want to tell him to be honest, it's quite personal. 

I tucked Octavius into my bag and shrunk it, tucking it into my pocket. Then I went inside the castle towards one of the towers. I ran up the stairs, seeking the highest point that opened into the outdoors. As the wind blew through my long black hair, I walked slowly onto the ledge of the tower, peering down at the ground below me. 

And then I fell. 

Or rather jumped. 

I began plunging down towards the earth, the wind screaming past me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I waited until the right moment. The moment where the hair stands up on my arms and my body shudders in anticipation. That's when I released my beautiful secret. 

The wings on my back. They expanded and caught the wind, using it to start soaring above into the sky. By now they were pretty long, several feet in wingspan, dark black to match my hair, and bat-like or dragon-like. I've had them since I could remember, but don't know why I have them or how I have them. From the little research I've done, maybe I could be a metamorphmagus? But I have yet to try to change into any other creature or alter my appearance in any way. 

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