Chapter 17: An Altercation

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Evangeline's POV

While I was excited to start another year of lessons at Hogwarts, I still had not gotten back to normal yet. Some parts of my magic were functioning fine, so when it came to doing my classes, I wouldn't seem off. However, other parts that were more unique to me weren't doing well. 

Every day, I would go outside onto Hogwarts grounds and practice my elemental magic. I was so desperate to get it back, even if it meant practicing for hours on end. I researched potions to help invigorate my magic, but I could find nothing. I don't even know where I'd start if I wanted to invent a potion to help. 

While Snape acted like we didn't even know each other, Remus kept me company often. He'd come outside during my practicing and encourage me. He took to giving me chocolate whenever I'd get sad during practice. 

Out of boredom one day, I asked him, "Remus, could you take me to the Forbidden Forest soon?" I was sitting up in a tree, reading. He looked up and said, "No. There's a reason why it's forbidden."

I rolled my eyes, "We'll be fine though. You can protect me and I can protect you. I've been wanting to go in the forest ever since I saw it last year." 

He shook his head, "No. I won't budge on this. I've been in there many a time to shift and it's full of horrid things. It's completely unsafe." 

I crossed my arms and looked at him with a smirk, "You know if you don't agree, I'll just go by myself." He challenged me at that, "No you won't. If you actually wanted to go by yourself, you wouldn't have waited this long to go." 

He caught me there, I stumbled over my words as I said, "Well- I was just being the good student I am! But I don't mind breaking rules here and there." He chuckled, "Yeah. Sure. Answer's still no." 

I hopped off the tree and stood in front of him, "Fine. Then I'll just ask Snape." He laughed harder at that, "You really think he'd say yes? Are you mad? He might just even laugh in your face, even if I've never seen the poor bloke laugh." I rolled my eyes and walked away. 

I didn't really take the idea of going into the Forbidden Forest seriously. But with the mocking of Remus, I was now determined. I skipped down the halls and made my way to the dungeons. At this time of day, I don't think Snape had any classes. 

Finally in front of his classroom, I slowly opened the door and made my way inside. He wasn't here. Perhaps he was in his office? I walked over to the second door and knocked on it. No answer. Why was it so dark? I slowly opened the door to his office and found nothing. 

I walked inside his office to look at the surroundings. It was relatively tidy, save for the mess of papers on his desk. A fireplace burned brightly in the corner of the room. 

Suddenly, a voice came from behind me, "Well hello there. And who are you?" I turned and made a squeak of a sound as I went invisible. Standing in front of me was NOT Snape. 

It was a blonde haired man. He was older, probably in his 30s, tall and serious. His hair was long enough to reach just below his shoulders. He had a cane with him that had the head of a snake on top. 

Wait shit I was invisible! I haven't been able to do that in months! I went visible again and smiled awkwardly, "Sorry! You surprised me. I was just looking for Professor Snape. And you are?" 

A smile appeared on his face, but it didn't seem like a happy smile but a hungry one, "Interesting. How peculiar. My name is Lucius Malfoy." 

I nodded politely, hiding my confusion, "Lovely to meet you Lucius. I like your cane, I'm quite the fan of snakes." 

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