Chapter 13: Questions

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Third POV

Before she could fully comprehend who was dragging her towards the dungeons, she was inside of Professor Snape's classroom. They were both lucky that none of the students had seen the scene. 

She was once again forced to the door, but not pinned. His eyes held a fury that was unmatched. She was however, confused. 

He hissed out, "Where have you been?". Her head was still swarming from processing the recent events, but she finally said quietly, "You knew I was gone? How?"

He narrowed his eyes, "I had to make sure you were alive. Little did I know I would find a note that said you were going to New York! On your own?"

"He tried to visit me? ", she thought to herself, how sweet. She looked down and said, "I actually didn't quite make it there. Wait I did, but only briefly. I was a little bit everywhere." She didn't quite know what to say, how to start. She didn't know what to tell him. 

She moved out of the way and sat down at one of the tables, before crossing her arms and laying her head down on the desk. She groaned, upset at everything. Her action surprised Snape. He didn't quite expect her reaction, nor her response. 

She muttered out, "Professor Snape, why does life have to be so miserable?". He sat down across from her. She was being quite unusual. Her disposition caused his anger to dissipate. He asked quietly, "What happened?". 

She groaned again and lifted her upper body up, grabbing her bag and fuddling through it, finally finding a bottle of firewhisky. She produced a glass and poured herself one, drinking a full glass before pouring another. Her actions worried him. 

She closed her eyes and sighed out, "I don't quite care to explain what happened, so I will show you. Give me your hand." 

He interrupted, "What", surprised at the request. She rolled her eyes, "I'm going to show you a portion of my memories, don't question it. I don't even know how to explain it." 

He sighed and held out his hand. She grabbed it and focused her mind, opening it briefly to send the memories of her doing her weird traveling thing, then meeting Newt, and her grounding herself and being fine. That's all she showed him. She let go, then proceeded to continue drinking. 

What he saw took him aback, for he didn't understand what she did either. He nodded silently, accepting it. He asked curiously, "And what happened after?" 

She was silent at that. She looked down at the table, swirling the whiskey in her glass, shutting her eyes and sighing out. She didn't want to show him. It was too personal. It would make her sad again if he saw. She chose not to answer his question. She murmured out, "Do you mind if I just sit here quietly?" 

He could tell she was upset, but wished to know why. Seeing that she was not being forthcoming with those answers however, he nodded and accepted it. He walked away to go read, glancing up to see her drinking her glass, pouring another, and repeating. It worried him to see her drink so much, but he didn't do anything to stop her. 

After some time, she put her head down onto the desk again and rested her eyes. She felt so numb yet so angry and so upset at what she was. She kept drinking because she didn't want to feel so angry. She didn't want to explode again, lose control again. 

Much time had passed when their silence was interrupted by a knock at the door. She laid there unmoving, as Snape opened it to be greeted by Dumbledore and Newt Scamander. 

Dumbledore looked over Snape to see Evangeline with her bottle of firewhisky and her head down. He sighed. Newt seemed worried too. Snape asked sternly, "What brings you here Dumbledore?" 

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