Chapter 18: Worry

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Evangeline's POV

When I uttered those words, regarding him taking me to the Forbidden Forest, he let go and narrowed his eyes. Quickly he shook his head, "No. I will not."

I groaned and let go as well, "But I really want to." He raised his brow at that, "So?" I crossed my arms and smiled, "Well if you won't take me. I'll just have to go alone." 

Just like Remus, he called me on my bluff, "You wouldn't have asked if you actually ever intended on possibly going alone."

I huffed out, "You know, both you and Remus said the exact same thing. I need to get better at hiding things, it seems. I'm quite tempted to prove you both wrong." 

"You asked Remus before me?", I nodded in response, "I thought he would, but he was against it unfortunately. So considering you're the only other Professor who I know well, I thought I'd ask you too." 

Snape was once again expressionless as he said, "The answer's still no. How's your elemental magic been as of recent?" 

I groaned at his answer and leaned up against the hallway wall, sliding down it and sitting, "Fine then, be that way. And I'm still struggling with it. It looks like my fire magic has gotten better though, considering what I did to Lucius. I've been practicing every day though, so hopefully it'll improve eventually." 

He looked down at me, "What did you tell Lucius about you?" I raised my eyebrow up at him, curious by his question, "Well he was definitely a character. He wanted me to be an open book to him. I didn't tell him much, but I do think I've shared a little too much information about my abilities. He doesn't know my last name, nor my age. He knows I'm a Gryffindor. He doesn't know what year I'm in. He knows or at least has an idea that I can go invisible and teleport. Also that I have a knack for wandless magic, and the burning stuff." I paused for a moment, thinking, "Oh! He also knows that I like snakes and that I have a pet one named Octavius." 

He nodded, "Good. If you ever run into him again, don't tell him more about you." 

I nodded, "Who is he anyways? Why did he come to visit you?" I could tell he was pondering the question, and whether he wanted to be honest about it. Finally arriving at an answer, he said, "He's a very rich and influential person who is involved with the Ministry. He is a pureblood wizard, and thinks that those who aren't purebloods are inferior. He was also a Death Eater, but was absolved from his crimes after claiming to be under the Imperius Curse." 

My brows furrowed in confusion, "I suppose Death Eaters are bad? I haven't been in the wizarding world for long, so I don't know about them yet, but now I'm more motivated to learn." 

He gave me such an interesting look at that moment, like he was surprised I wouldn't know, "You don't know about the first wizarding war?" 

I shook my head, "I know a little about it but not much. I was very young when it was going on, but I believe it ended 5 years ago now? I guess I wasn't affected by it since I lived so far away from everything." 

He sighed, "I think a lot of people would like to be in the position you're in now, one of unknowing." 

"Well, I feel like I should know. Also what's the thing about purebloods?", I said curiously. He looked at me like I was so foreign to everything, "You don't know about that either? Well pure-bloods are people who have no history of their lineage involving muggles or muggle-borns. There are also half-bloods, in which someone is neither pure-blood or muggle-born. There are many variations of it." 

I looked up at him in question, "Why is blood so important? It doesn't make sense why ancestry matters." 

"Many pure-bloods pride themselves on being 'pure'. There is a dynamic of superiority that comes from pure-bloods. Many see themselves as better witches or wizards than those who aren't pure-blood." 

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