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"Are you sure these spirits are leading us into the right place?" Tenzin asks.

"Of course! I trust Bum-Ju with my life," Bumi says.

Awwe, he adopted a spirit. Cuteee!

The dragonfly bunny spirits lead us to a circle surrounded by rocks. The rocks are overgrown with vines and have an airbending symbol on them.

"Look. There are carvings on them," I observe.

"This is an ancient airbender meditation circle," Tenzin tells us.

"I think there's a lot of spiritual energy in this place, but it feels really strange," I frown.

"I feel it, too," Jinora agrees.

I know I'm still new to this spiritual awakening stuff, or whatever Kya called it, but I'm going to trust my gut. It just doesn't feel right. Something about Unalaq has been bugging me since he arrived in the south, and now we know why. Honestly, this is all new to me. Believing in myself... being needed for reasons other than being the Avatar's sister. I like it, and apparently I'm good at it.

"We'll have to perform a spiritual cleansing ceremony," Tenzin says.

"What are you talking about?" Bumi asks his brother.

"Dad taught it to me. This site has been neglected for many years. A cleansing ceremony will help strengthen its connections to the Spirit World."

We all sit down in a meditative stance. Tenzin bends the smoke from the incense burner, encircling the group, and we all close our eyes. I open one eye to take a peak at what's going on, but that's weird, the dragonfly bunny spirits all flew away.

"Uh, guys?" I say confusingly and gesture towards the runaway spirits.

"Good job, you cleansed the area of the only spirits that want to help us, and you scared away Bum-Ju," Bumi pouts.

Tenzin ignores his brother and continues bending the smoke. As he bends the third circle, the ground under us begins to rumble.

"It's working," Tenzin says.

"I'm out of here," I say, and Jinora and I quickly distance ourselves from the meditation circle.

Hey, every man for himself.

Before we could barely take two steps, the rumbling strengthens, and the center of the circle suddenly opens, and swarms of bat-like creatures fly out. I and the group scream as they fly into the sky before swarming towards us. I knew this would happen!

"Ah! Bats! Evil bats!" I hear Bumi yell, and we all retreat to the rocks for cover.

"Not bats! Dark spirits," Korra corrects.

"Same thing!" I yell.

"What are we supposed to do?" Tenzin asks.

I watch as my sister follows the dark spirits and run to the circle. She meditates for a bit, then traps them in an enclosure. She purifies the spirits and they dissipate in a golden glow. Even the over growing vegetation growing in the circle eventually disappears.


Unalaq sucks, but I can't lie, he's taught her a lot. He could've been a marvelous teacher for our tribes If he wasn't a lunatic.

"Your spiritual training has come a long way," Tenzin says to Korra.

"It has," I agree with him.

"Unalaq may be a horrible person, but his spirit powers are no joke," she replies.

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now