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"All right, let's see what'cha got!" Bolin exclaims.

Right now Bolin is giving Korra some pointers for her earthbending. I think that's really nice of him, even though his brother hates it. I don't really know why Mako doesn't like Korra. I know she's awkward and snarky, but so am I, and he's talked to me more than her. I know she tries hard, but he was cold to her from the beginning. Don't tell Korra, but I kinda like it that way. Mako and I aren't friends, but we could be. It's nice to know that he likes me for me and not because I'm the Avatar's sister.

Korra decisively turns and raises her arm which raises the earth coin following the movement. She knocks the coin away with her other hand, and quickly repeats the movement, knocking two of the earth coins into the net. I clap for her. Bolin is a really good teacher. So is Tenzin, but Bolin's teaching method is different, and I guess more effective.

"That was great! Good power! But in a real match, you'd be a sitting turtle duck," Bolin tells Korra.

"He's right," I add. "Not so upright and flat footed! Stay light on your toes, right up until the moment when you need to dig in and strike."

"Then ..." Bolin finishes as he quickly raises two coins and almost immediately sends them flying toward the net. Korra and I stare at the net with open mouths while Bolin turns to us with a broad smile and gestures at the net, inviting Korra to give it another shot.

"Okay, let me try it again."

Korra looks decisive and throws two coins at the net, mimicking Bolin's fast strikes. See, Korra can be a fast learner when she puts her mind to something. I wish she could do this with her airbending.

"Wow! Nice adjustment!" Bolin exclaims. "You're a natural at this. That was great advice, Kitty. How did you know that? Are you somehow a second.. Avatar?"

"No," I laugh. "I helped train Korra in waterbending, and you tend to learn a thing or two about the other elements when you train the Avatar. Waterbending and earthbending are more similar than people realize."

"Um, actually sis, we trained in waterbending TOGETHER," Korra sases.

"We did... But then who passed all of her lessons and became the assistant to the waterbending master who taught you?" I sass back, and she playfully sticks out her tongue.

"Not bad," Mako says to me.

"What's it take to impress this guy?" Korra asks Bolin.

Is somebody jealous?

"What? I said, not bad', and I was talking to Kitty. You know what, it's getting late. I think I'm gonna turn in. You kids have fun. Nice to meet you, Avatar Korra, Kitty."

"Bye." I say and wave politely.

"Yeah, been a real pleasure," Korra says sarcastically.

"See ya upstairs, bro."

"Upstairs?" Korra asks confused.

"You guys live here?" I ask Bolin. "That's really cool!"

"Yup, in the attic. It's nothin' fancy, but we have some great views! So, back to bending. Why don't you throw that combo one more time?"


Today Korra is back training with Tenzin. Tenzin and I made up, and as an apology, he gave me a traditional airbending outfit; one like his and the kids. Korra was given one too, and I have to say, we look weird. We're always wearing our traditional watertribe clothing, but being in this is just different for us... but I like it. I feel free, like a true airbender.

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now