Alternate Ending

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Book 4; Kitty

The cannon shudders and forcefully throws Kuvira from its side. She screams as her body tumbles to the ground. She skids to a stop and raises her head. Her face falls, and you can see the realization that she's about to die in the worst way possible hit her. The beam is still firing, and it doesn't look like it's stopping anytime soon.

I look at my sister and back at Kuvira. I think back to earlier when I was thinking about my purpose and how working for her and Baatar Jr. helped me realize who I am and what I need to do. Would I be me if I didn't at least try to save Kuvira? I promised to protect all nations, and even though Kuvira has done some horrendous things, she needs to live. She's still human... but also because she cannot die, mostly because that would be too easy. She deserves to see all of the chaos she's caused, the people she's hurt deserve justice. I don't want her to be like Unalaq or Noatak where she gets to take the easy way out. Death would be too good for her.

I let go of my sister's hand and run over to Kuvira. I shield her as best as I can, and she buries her head into the crook of my neck. How am I going to get us out of this? Trick question, I can't. The least I can do is try to give Kuvira a little bit of comfort in her last moments. I just want the people she's hurt to know I tried to save her, and not just for her sake. I tried to give them justice. They need to know this is not the outcome we wanted for them. We wanted Kuvira to face repercussions too. I can try to protect us with my airbending, but it won't work. At least I tried. And no one can say I wasn't dedicated to my job, to my city, or to my sister.

I just wish we had more time. We went three years without talking to each other. How stupid of of us. She thought I didn't need her anymore, and I thought she hated me. It's kinda funny, what made us think we could live without each other? I just wish we did more with each other. One more snowball fight, one more sparring session, one more slumber party, one more night time ride on Naga, one more night of sneaking to the arena. What I'd do for just one more night.

As the weapon bears down on us, and I'm about to accept my fate, my sister jumps in front of us throwing herself between the beam and Kuvira and I who are huddled on the ground. The two of us watch my sister in awe. Kuvira looks terrified out of her mind, but I'm just shocked at what I'm witnessing. Korra extends her hands before her, her eyes glowing as she enters the Avatar State. The beam of energy abruptly gives way, and a spherical mass of energy forms around us while smaller energy beams begin to spray out in all directions. I sit motionless, caught between wonder and terror as the purplish-white light continues to course around us. The orb of energy begins to expand, slowly at first, then exponentially. I've never seen anything like this. I feel like I'm looking at the universe, and it's beautiful.

Is- is she bending energy?

The energy around us glows a bright white, so bright that its almost too much to look at. And just as it flares into a massive size, the darkness clouds my vision. I'm yet again swallowed into an abyss of nothingness.


Third person pov

Spirits of every size and color flood the night sky that is beautifully radiated by the new spirit portal that's placed perfectly in the middle of Republic City. Tenzin and the other look up in awe as the spirits who once fled the city returnes.

"The spirits have returned," Tenzin manages to say out of pure shock.

"And so has Korra!" Asami says excitingly when she spots Korra emerging from the portal. She helps an injured Kuvira who looks exhausted walk out.

"You're okay!" Bolin exclaims as he and Jade run along with Asami and Tenzin, laughing excitedly.

"Release Kuvira, or we will attack!" The mecha suit captain threatens.

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now