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A/n Zaheer is here >:)

It's been an interesting couple of days. Bolin and Opal like each other, I like Opal's brother, Opal hated me, now we're friends, Korra can metalbend, I can still airbend, Zaheer is still out there somewhere, and I still don't know who this dude is.

Ugh, airbending. Everything has come down to airbending. I know Lin said I need to keep it to myself, but I've kinda been practicing with Opal and Korra behind her back. I know I should probably listen to her, but I really like airbending, and I'm good at it! It's been years- no, centuries, since airbenders have roamed this earth, and now we have them, and I'm apart of them!

I don't think it's fair that I have to hide my airbending from the world. Not to mention we now have to face an evil airbender. The world has never had an airbending villain before.  You'd think Lin, Tenzin, and my father would take advantage of my new abilities. I'm a rare talent, here. Actually, I'm so rare, I'm rarer than the airbenders. So Lin can go kick rocks- or bend rocks? Ugh, you know what I mean.

Opal is doing really well with Korra and her training too, but she's decided to go to the Northern Air Temple after all. I'm really happy for her, I know that's what she wants to do, but I'm really going to miss her. Bolin and I are trying to hide our sadness, but it's hard. I'm just happy that Lin apologized to her and made amends with her family. Maybe I should visit that acupuncturist, too! He did a really good job on her.

"Are you alright? Where are you?" Tenzin asks through the telephone.

I miss him and Pema. I hope he still isn't upset that I didn't go with him to the Air Temple. I know he was really disappointed, even though he tried to hide it.

"With Beifong's sister in Zaofu. We're totally safe," my sister tells him.

"Unless we get caught in another fight between Su and Lin," I add half jokingly.

"Lin willingly took you to her sister?" He asks.

"No," I answer.

"We got a call about an airbender and it turned out to be Su's daughter, Opal. She'll be headed your way soon," Korra finishes.

"Really? That's wonderful!"

"She is wonderful, and pretty, and so smart, and she smells like flowers ..." Bolin gushes while pushing Korra out of the way.

"And she's really cool!" I take over the phone. "She hated me at first, but now we're best-"

"Sorry," I apologize to Korra who is glaring at us, and I hand her back the phone.


"How's the training going?" Korra asks Tenzin.

"Not so well, I'm afraid. No one seems to be interested in the hard work of becoming part of the Air Nation."

"You need to give yourself a break. Let Jinora and the kids help you out, and what about Bumi?" She asks.

"He was a naval commander. Maybe he has some ideas about how you get people motivated," I add.

"Bumi?! He's my worst student."

"Yeah, but he loves to organize people. If you ask him for help, you can trick him into taking more responsibility by making him think the whole thing was his idea," Korra replies. "That's how Kitty got me to clean our room when we were little."

"That actually sounds like a good plan. You two are pretty wise after all."

"Conflict resolution, that's what I do," my sister says with a smile.

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now