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"Varrick, how come your electro-thingy shut down the small mecha suits but not the big one?" Bolin asks.

"Because it's powered with spirit vine energy. I'm sorry," Baatar Jr. answers as we approach the group, "I wish I could help you, but it's unstoppable."

After my chat with Baatar Jr, I oddly enough feel a lot better! I didn't forgive him for what he did to the Earth Kingdom, and I know he's only sorry now because Kuvira betrayed him, but I'm on the path of forgiving him, and that's all that matters. And I'm not doing it to make him feel better either, more so so I can heal. And even though him and Kuvira are terrible people, I have to thank them. I found my true calling because of them, and that's being a spy and protecting all nations. Assisting the Avatar and leading the world to peace and balance.

"It's not."

I turn around, and my entire body runs cold. Oh my goodness, no way! What is Hiroshi doing here? He's suppose to be in prison!- Well, if the prison hasn't been destroyed by Kuvira and her spirit weapon.

"Dad?" Asami says, just as shocked as the rest of us.

Seeing Hiroshi again is so weird. I've heard Asami has been visiting him recently, and they've been trying to repair their relationship. It's just, you can't really blame me for being on high alert. I haven't seen this man in years. I haven't thought about him, Amon, or Noatak and Tarlaq in so long. How many years has it even been?

"I got him out of jail to help. I figured we need all the geniuses we can get our hands on right now. If the prison's still standing after all this is over, we can throw him back in," Lin explains.

"I know what you all must think of me, but I love Republic City, and I would do anything to save her," he says.

"You think you know how to defeat this thing?" My sister asks. I detect the skepticism in her voice.

"You must act like an infection: break the skin and attack its vital organs, disconnect the heart and the brain and this beast cannot live."

"But how are we supposed to get inside?" I ask.

"Future Industries has plasma saws for cutting platinum. If we had one on the mecha suit ..." He answers.

"But the saws are way too big. We'd never get the suits off the ground," Asami points out.

"I think I can add an electrical element to the welding torch on your suit and convert it into a plasma saw. Then we'll just have to land on the giant and cut open a hole big enough for someone to get in."

"Like a metal mosquito," Asami says.

"You know what happens to mosquitoes that land on me? I squash 'em!" Varrick points out.

"He has a point," I add.

"We'll have to attack in a swarm to try to keep you guys safe in the hummingbird suits," Korra explains. "It looks like they're our only hope."

I guess Lin is right. We need all the help we can get. And this is a big moment for Asami. She hasn't worked together with her father in years. And she seems ok that he's here. I mean, I can't say I blame her. I would totally love to take down another psycho with my father. Fighting Zaheer wasn't the greatest day of my life, but that moment on the cliff, you know, before I plummeted to my death, wasn't the worst. It was actually one of the greatest battles I've fought so far.

"Kuvira is headed our way!" Daw announces.

I've never had to worry about Asami before. I mean, of course I've worried about her. Like when she was reconnecting with her father, or when Mako was putting her through- whatever that was. But this is different. She can get hurt this time, physically. She could be killed. I just want her to be safe.

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now