Elegance (preview)

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"Hey, Hazel Nut," Mako greets me as he walks into the room. Hazel Nut is a nick name that he and Bolin call me because of my hazel eyes.

Today I'm hanging out in the arenas locker area and waiting for my brothers match to start. They, along with their friend, are pro benders, and every match leads up to the finals where the winners win a big cash prize. Each team has a waterbender, an earthbender, and a firebender. The goal is to knock the opposing team out of their zones, and eventually off the mat completely. My brothers play on a team called The Fire Ferrets, that's how we make our money, and how we're able to live in the arenas attic.

"Hey," I greet my older brother.

"Whatcha doin?" He asks.

"Oh, should I answer that? You might not believe me," I sass, not taking my eyes off my homework.

"I get it, you're still mad at me."


"Fine, I'll give you your space."

I continue working on my schoolwork, but I'm interrupted by Bolin walking in with some girl. I immediately recognize those blue eyes and broad shoulders.

This girl is the Avatar!

I guess the police let her off the hook.

Bolin introduces her to Mako and I, but of course, Mako gives her the cold shoulder. He's such a jerk sometimes. He's 18, but he acts like a grouchy old man. I know he had to grow up fast, but sometimes I wish he'd loosen up a bit and have fun with the rest of us.

Korra decided to sit by me on the bench while Bolin talks to our hot headed brother. Mako is just so use to being the dad, sometimes he forgets to cut the attitude off and be a regular teenager. I get it though. Like I said, he had to grow up fast. He's had to raise both Bolin and I since he was 8 years old, and I was only three. He doesn't know how to be be a normal teenager.

"Hi, Avatar Korra," I whisper.

"Hey, you're that girl from the other day!" She says, happy to me again.

"Haha yeah. Um... You'll have to excuse my brothers. Mako has always been Mr. Serious All the Time, but he'll loosen up the more he gets use to you. And Bolin is um... well, he's Bolin," I smile

"So, they have no idea I'm the Avatar?"

"I told them about you, but Mako only laughed at me. Bolin believes me, but he's so oblivious, so it doesn't matter," I sigh in frustration .

"Hey, I have an idea." I look up to meet her gaze, and I nod understandingly.


Korra and I were cheering our heads off throughout the entire match. My brothers won, but barely. I know this is going to sound really mean, but that other teammate of there's sucks! He's also a jerk, and really cocky. Last time we spoke, he was almost unbearable to talk too. You'd think he was the 13 year old!

Korra went back to the locker area to congratulate the boys while I take a moment to take everything in. The Avatar is not only my brothers biggest fan, but I think we might actually be friends. She's really nice to me, and she hasn't asked me about my hands. You can tell this all new to her. I don't think she's ever been to a match before, or has had real friends her age, but I'm not judging her, because I haven't either. She just seems so... Normal.

I walk back to the locker room when I hear -
"She's the Avatar, and I'm an idiot."

I'm guessing she told them?

"Hahaa!" I let out an triumphant howl. "I told you, but you didn't listen!"

"Yeah, yeah," Mako fans me off.

"No, I want to hear you say it."

"Fine, Li Na," he sighs. "You were right."


"And... I'm sorry."


Li Na's pov

Everything was going great. Life was finally going as planned. I made a new friend, and my brothers had a new replacement on their team, and thank goodness! That other dude was a mess! Korra became the newest water bender of The Fire Ferrets. School was let out for awhile, and my relationship with my brothers was better than ever. Life seemed like the perfect dream, but that all changed when we got some terrible news.


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