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A/n This chapter, y'all >:)


"Kiiiiiitty!" I hear Bolin call.

They're probably looking for me because we have to break the airbenders out soon. I'm happy that we've found the airbenders, truly, but you know what happens now that since Zaheer is out? We have to go back to the compound. I don't know who this man is, but the fact that we were put in the compound in the first place because of him, and especially now that we have to go back... I hate him. I don't want to go back. I have a life now, friends, and he's ruined everything...

I continue to watch over the city from outside of the airship. The night sky is sitting over head, it's pretty. I let the airy weather flow through me. Being an airbender wouldn't be so bad if I weren't already a waterbender. It's just so scary, the unknown. I know I'm going to have to tell them truth eventually, and that terrifies me.

"Hey, I found her," Mako says as he takes a seat next to me.

Soon Bolin and Asami join us, even Pabu. I quickly wipe my tears away, hoping they didn't notice them.

"Hey, what's wrong, Kitty Cat?" Bolin asks as he wipes a stray tear from my cheak.

"Nothing," I try to convince them.

"Come on, Kitty. You can tell us," Asami says.

"Yeah," Mako adds. "We're your friends, you can trust us."

I sigh.

"I'm happy we've found the airbenders, but now that Zaheer is out... we have to go back to the compound."

"Wait, huh?" Bolin says. "No, but you just got here. You're my best friend, they can't send you back."

"Are you sure they're going to send you to the compound?" Asami asks worried. "Maybe they meant somewhere else in the city other than Air Temple island."

"No, Korra was ordered to leave Republic City. Where ever she goes, I have to go. And I know if this guy is as big of a threat as Lin says he is, then my dad is going to want her close to him. I don't have a choice."

Never have.

"No! I mean, I love Korra, but they can't make you leave, too," Mako says.

"Yeah!" Bolin agrees as well as Asami who shakes her head in agreement. "If they try to take you, then- then, I'll fight for you to stay!"

"I love you guys, but you can't fight my dad. You'd lose," I  state half jokingly, even if it might be true. "I never talk about it... but I hated living in that place. I was so lonely, and my own father forgot that I was alive. I love Korra, and I've always wanted her to be the best Avatar she could be, but when we moved to the city, it was finally my chance to be great, too! And when I met you guys, I finally felt like my own person, I wasn't lonely anymore. I wasn't just the Avatar's sister, I was Kitty. I finally felt what it was like to be a part of something as myself, and I don't want that taken away from me."

"And it won't," Asami says. "We won't let them take you or Korra. You two can stay at my house while they figure out how to capture Zaheer again. And we won't let Raiko kick you guys out of the city, he has no right. Right guys?"



After my talk with my friends, I'm actually feeling a lot better. It's really nice to have friends, especially ones who have your back. It's one of the reasons why I don't want to return to the south. After our discussion, we made our way back to the palace for our mission, and we took out a few Dai Li agents- by we, I mean Tenzin and my sister. The Dai Li give me the heebie geebies.

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now