Coco (preview)

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~Kimi's dream~


Ugh, what's going on? I know I'm on a ship traveling with a chubby old man and his emotional nephew, but something seems different. Everything seems so, misty? Like it's not real, or I'm not in this world?

I open the metal door that belongs to my room and walk into the hallway.

It's completely deserted.

"Hello? Uncle! Zuko! I'm scared, where are you?"

"Kimi, oh Kimi" I hear a faint voice call out to me from the deck.

I know I shouldn't go, but the voice is so hypnotizing, almost like it's singing to me. I find myself walking, almost being pulled in its direction.

I grab for the doorknob, but stop myself.

No Kimi, no! Someone could be trying to kill you.

To late, I can't help myself.

I  walk out on to the surface of the deck to find a man dressed in a heavenly white robe. His face is ghostly pale, but his aura is so beautiful. His eyes hold all the colors of the rainbow, and he has a glow that hurt to look at, but at the same time, I can't look away.

"Are you going to stare at me, or are you going to say hello?"

His voice is enchanting.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I was only teasing," he grins.

"Who are you? Where is everyone? How do you know my name?"

"I am Moirai, the Spirit of Destiny. I know everyone's name."

The Spirit of Destiny?

"I'm so confused. I've never been visited by a spirit before, why have you come to see me?"

"I have come to visit you in your dream because I need to warn you."

"Warn me? What about?"

"You have a very important task. The Fire Prince is very lost, in more ways then one, and things are going to get very complicated, but I need you to always choose good."

"Why? Prince Zuko is just a stranger to me, and he's already made it clear he doesn't like me. None of this is making sense to me."

"He is more than a stranger. Remember my dear, everyone has has good in them somewhere, it just takes something special to get it out, and Zuko is the good you need to choose. It is going to be difficult, but it is necessary if you want this war to end."

"Wait, don't go! I'm still very confused, can you at least tell me what happened to my mother?" I ask. "I know you came here to earn me about Zuko, but I'm desperate here. If anyone can help me, it's you."

"It's really not my place, but I can tell you that she is alive."

"Where? Where is she? Please, you have to help mem" I plead.

"My time is up, I must go. Remember, always choose good."


"Coco, Coco. Kimi, please wake up."

"No, no!" I scream. I sit up in a panic. I quickly wipe the sweat from my forehead

I woke to Iroh shaking me out of my slumber.

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now