Epilogue; 1

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Five years later


"Are you ready?" Jade asks me.

"Of course!"

It's been five years since my sister defeated Kuvira, five years since Raiko started expanding Republic City, and five years since Jade and I moved to the Northern Air Temple.

Why did we move? Let me explain everything. After Kuvira was taken into custody, she was thrown into prison. Her trial went pretty fast- I mean, she already confessed to everything when her and Korra came out of the portal together. As for Baatar Jr, I'd say he got off easy, and I absolutely hate it. Suyin and Baatar Sr. managed to get him on house arrest instead of being in an actual prison where he belongs. He tries to prove to the Earth Kingdom that he's a changed man and that he's really sorry for everything he did, and he swears Kuvira brainwashed him. I don't buy it. If Kuvira didn't almost have him killed, he would've never surrendered. If Kuvira has to serve her time in prison, then he should, too. And I believe if he were actually sorry, he'd gladly go to a real prison. Truth be told, I'm hurt by Suyin and Baatar Sr. Their son is a monster. And the fact that they apologized to me over and over, but got Baatar Jr. off the hook hurts my feelings.

I'm not the only one who feels this way about Baatar Jr's fate. Opal, Wing and Wei, and even Huan agree that he should be locked up. They're still not over what happened, but they're trying. Despite moving towards forgiveness and healing, they still believe he should be held accountable for all the trouble he's caused. And if you can't tell by now, yes, I am still friends with the Beifong kids. Of course Wing was devastated when I told him about Jade and I, but he really stepped up as a friend and supported us. He also made it clear that if it doesn't work out, then he'll always be there for me, haha.

Before I moved to the Air Nation, I got another chance to talk things out with my dad. Actually, I owe a big thank you to Lord Zuko for that. When Jade and I vacationed in the Fire Nation, Lord Zuko let us stay at his vacation home. We had a really great conversation while I was there, and he told me about his disgrace of a father, Ozai. His story made me angry, then sad, then happy when Ozai was finally brought down, but then I was sad again because Lord Zuko never got the relationship he wanted with his father. I'm just glad he had Iroh, and Iroh had him, especially after his son died. Lord Zuko helped me realize that I'm really lucky. No parent is perfect, especially ones who are tasked with being a world leader, but my dad tried- even though he was terrible at it! I mean, I don't know what I'd do if both my kids had these abilities. Korra being the avatar and me carrying the Sister Spirit. My dad even admitted to me he had no idea what he was doing, and I can appreciate him saying that. I can't change the past, but I finally feel like I have a dad instead of an employer, and that's all I've ever wanted.

As for Team Avatar, well... We're great! And I couldn't ask for a better group friends! Mako and I speaking about our relationship that we seemed to bypass for years was the best thing we could've done. Our friendship grew stronger, and he's really supportive of mine and Jade's relationship. He's still a detective for the Republic City police, and he's happily single. I just hope that one day he can find a girl he really loves and who really loves him, and they can settle down together and live a life of happiness... Or he could live happily ever after with Wu, but I'll take either one. We try to talk as much as we can, but with his job, he's very busy. I actually miss our days working on the police force together. Despite our unconventional relationship, I admit, we were great partners. Bolin and I on the other hand talk everyday. I haven't seen him in so long. I miss seeing his face, I miss his hugs, I miss our sleepovers, I just miss him so much! But as long as I can atleast talk to him, I'm ok with that! I'm really busy with Jade at the Air Temple, plus, him and Opal are still going strong. So I can't see him as much as I'd like, but when we do, we have so much fun! 

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