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After fusing with Vaatu, Unalaq became a Dark Avatar and ripped Korra and Raava apart! By destroying Raava, Unalaq and Vaatu transformed into the most powerful dark spirit that's ever lived. Tenzin managed to free Jinora from the Fog of Lost Souls, but her spiritual quest isn't over yet. Can anyone save the world from eternal darkness?


"I'm cold!" I complain to no one in particular.

I hate the cold.

"Well Kitty's awake," I hear Bumi say.

I open my eyes and look around confusingly. I'm laying in water, and Tenzin and Bumi are here too, while Kya is healing Bolin, Mako, Korra, and I.

What the heck happened?

...Oh yeah, the world is ending.

"Thank goodness you're all okay," Tenzin tells the four of us.

"Did you find Jinora?" Korra asks him.

"I was able to rescue her soul, but she wasn't ready to return to her body yet. She sensed that the world was in grave danger."

"She's right," I mumble.

I know I saw Unavaatu rip Raava out of Korra, but I feel something else. Republic City is in trouble, too. Of course it is. Raiko's army can't defeat an evil Avatar, he'd realize that if he weren't such an idiot. And now the south has been taken over and Republic City is going to be destroyed.

"Were you able to stop Unalaq and Vaatu?" Tenzin asks my sister.

"No. They fused, then Vaatu ripped Raava right out of me and destroyed her. Vaatu won."

"Well, you can't give up!" I fight back. "There must be something we can do!"

"I am too young to live through ten thousand years of darkness. Korra, can't you talk to one of your past lives or something?" Bolin cries in a panic.

"When Vaatu destroyed Raava, he destroyed my connection to the past Avatars, too."

How did it get this bad so fast?

"If that's true, then-" Tenzin breaths.

"The cycle is over. I'm the last Avatar. I'm so sorry, Tenzin," Korra sobs.

Poor Tenzin. The Avatar spirit was the only thing keeping Aang's spirit alive. Now that the Avatar spirit is no more, neither is Aang. Of course there's the work that the past Avatar's have put in the world to show of their existence, but it's not the same. And Wan, he started this whole thing and is the reason why we have an Avatar in the first place- and now he's gone. Of course I'm scared of the 10,000 years of darkness, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not sad about Wan and the rest of the Avatars. I guess in a way, the Avatar was a part of me, too.

I walk over to my sister with Tenzin. I think it's good that the two of us talk to her. The three of us all have some kind of attachment to the Avatar spirit, we should figure this out together. To be honest, I have no idea what she can do, but whatever we come up with, I'm 100% on board.

"The other Avatars may not be able to help you anymore, but perhaps I can," Tenzin tells her.

"And I'll do whatever I can to help," I tell my sister encouragingly.

"No one can help me now," she says hopelessly.

"I know I haven't been the best mentor to you, but I realized it was because I had a lot of spiritual growth to do myself. There may still be a way for you to stop Vaatu," Tenzin replies.

My eyes light up, and I perk up a bit. This is the best news I've heard all day.

"How?" The two of us ask.

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now