Book 3;1

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The world has entered a new age! Harmonic Convergence created an energy shift the likes of which has never been felt before. And after two weeks, Republic City continues to recover from Korra's epic battle with UnaVaatu. Vines have sprouted up all over, creating pockets of wilds the spirits have come to call home. What other changes are in store for our city?


"Good morning!" I yell to no one in particular with a yawn and a stretch.

I catch a glimpse of Air Temple Island from my window. Wow, would you look at that. It's so nice outside, and... Light. I am just so grateful that I get to live here, and that I'm alive... and that Unavaatu didn't put us in 10,000 years of darkness! What would the world even be like if Unavaatu won? Well I guess it doesn't matter now, because he's dead!

It's been two weeks since the Harmonic Convergence, and things have changed within Republic City. Since Korra kept the portals open, there are vines everywhere! I love that the spirits are able to roam our world again, but the vines can be a little much sometimes. They wouldn't be so bad if they weren't in the middle of the roads causing accidents and taking over homes to the point people have to move, but I guess they aren't so bad since those are the homes of the spirits who choose to stay here.

As for me, I'm doing ok! I have my friends, I'm really loving the connection I have with the spirits, and.. I'm single! I'm focused on bettering myself and focusing on my spiritual side, so I really don't have time for a boyfriend. I feel like maybe I'm not even meant to be in a relationship. Obviously Von is doing fine without me considering he has another girlfriend already. Would it be nice to have a boyfriend? I guess, but I need to focus on myself, something I've never been able to do before. And I can honestly say I'm a lot happier now than when I was with Von.

Though everything has been pretty ok, besides Raiko getting on my ever loving nerves and the vines that are growing out of control throughout the city, something is definitely different. With me, that is. I don't know, since keeping the portals open I've felt a change within myself. I first felt the shift that first night after Harmonic Convergence. I don't know what it is, but it's weird. I don't think it's such a big deal. Korra said it herself, the world is changing, we're in a new era. Everyone probably feels the same way.


I plop my feet on the floor and start making my bed, preparing myself for the day. As I continue to get ready, a small spirit resembling a butterfly flies through my window and into my bedroom.

"Hey, little guy," I greet it. "You're lost, aren't you?"

I mange to gently swat it towards the opening that it came through.

"There aren't any vines in here," I tell it playfully.

It's almost out the window when it takes a sudden turn upwards. I trip over nothing and I'm leaned over the open window. My legs then flip over, and just like that, I'm falling. It happened so fast! First I was was trying to help a cute little spirit out, and now I'm about to break into a bunch of tiny little pieces, great! Leave it to me to be so clumsy I actually manage to fall out of a window!

I'm falling... I'm falling!!!!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I scream bloody murder.

I hope someone can hear me, but who am I kidding? No one can save me. I fell from multiple stories high, and I am falling fast. This is going to hurt. I'm going to be put in a full body cast and have to drink my food out of a straw if I survive this! This is going to suck!

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now