Leaving Home

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*Draco's POV*
I stared at McGonagal. She looked strange holding the large portrait of Dumbledore. She looked smaller and more meek than ever. Her green cloak looked wrinkled, as if she had rushed to put it on. Her hair, tangled and greasy, made her look frazzled and unsure of what to do.

We continued to stare at each other for a few minutes until McGonagal broke the silence. "Get your trunk," she demanded, "We're leaving"

"What?" I said, confused. "It's not September 1st."

"I know what the date is, thank you. Now, hurry up. It's time to leave."

I ran up to my room and grabbed my trunk and decided to take the guitar. I stuffed it in my trunk and ran back downstairs to McGonagal.

"Why are we leaving?" I asked. I wasn't too happy about just leaving with McGonagal. Plus, my parents had no idea where I'd be. "Can't I just leave a move for my parents?"

"That won't be necessary." She snapped. "Let's just leave."

I followed her out the door and we apperated to Hogwarts.

Once we were there, McGonagal began walking and I followed her. She still had the portrait with her.

Undeniable Love: A Dramione Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now