Hogwarts Express

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*Hermione's POV*
|Flash Forward to September 1|

It was September first and we were leaving the burrow. All of us! Charlie was coming to be Hagrid's assistant, Bill would be the new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, Fleur would just stay there, because Bill was her husband and George was coming to (of course) assist Peaves. The only people NOT coming were Arthur and Molly.

Once on the platform, we said our goodbyes and got on the train, but Mrs. Weasley wanted to talk to me before I left.

"Hermione, dear, " she started, "with your parents gone and you being head girl, I don't want you to crack. Please, if you feel pressure or ANYTHING, please, owl me. Okay, sweetie?"

"I promise." I said. "Thank you. And I have one question. May I live with you, at the burrow? Now that my parents are gone?"

"Of course." Mrs. Weasley said, cupping my face in her hands. "Anything. Now, don't miss the train!"

"Good bye!" I said, "mom"

On the word Mom, Mrs. Weasley shed a tear. I waved and hoped on the train. I found the compartment where Ron, Harry, Ginny, Luna and Neville were.

"Hey guys." I said. "Sorry, but I need to go to the Prefects Cabin."

"It's okay." Luna said in her dreamy voice.

"Be sure to tell us who the Head Boy is!" Harry added.

"Yeah! See you, Herms." Ron said.

"Bye, guys!" I said and walked to the Prefects cabin to find it empty. I sat down in a chair and heard a crunch of parchment. I grabbed and read it. It said:
Miss Granger,
I would like to inform you that the Head Boy has already arrived at Hogwarts. You will meet him as soon as you arrive. Once at Hogwarts, please report to my office. The password is 'butter beer'.
Thank You, Headmistress McGonagal
PS: Feel free to enjoy a red or green apple.

A green apple could only mean one thing: Draco Malfoy

*Ginny's POV*
"I wonder who the head boy is." Luna said.

"Maybe it's Dean." Neville suggested.

"No, he's to much of a player." Ron said. "He'll just hit on every girl he find out of bed."

"Ronald!" I said, smacking his arm.

"Now, Ginny." Harry began "No hitting. Or you'll have to pay a price!"

"Oh!" I said, sexily. "And what IS that price?"

"A nice kiss." Harry answered.

I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back nice and passionate. We kiss for a while, until Ron said, "Come on, guys. Get a room."

"Fine." I said, retort-fully. "We'll save the fun for Hogwarts."

"EW!" This time, it wasn't just Ron. It was everyone but me and Harry.

I laughed and suggested a game of Truth or Dare! Everyone agreed and we decided to play the dirty way!

"The dirty way is always more fun!" I exclaimed! Everyone groaned and we began the game. I went first.

"Neville." I said, "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" he answered.

"Okay! I dare you to go ask the girl you hate the most for a nice, wet French Kiss!"

"Fine." Neville answered. He got up and asked Lavender Brown. It was great. She leaned right in and gave him a huge, sloppy French kiss.

"You have to admit," Harry said, "she's got skill."

"Yeah!" I agreed "Look at that tounge!"

"Ginny!" Ron said, "when did you become so, so, sexual!?"

"Ever since I discovered how good Harry is in bed!" I answered with a laugh.

Harry blushed and Ron gagged. We laughed a played Truth or Dare until Ron dared Harry to make out with Neville.

After the game, we just talked and laughed and did friend stuff. Once we arrived at Hogwarts, we all went to the Gryffindor tower, except Luna, who headed to Ravenclaw.

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