The Plan of the Death Eaters

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*Draco's POV*

"Hermione!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face, but of joy, and not dread this time.

"You're alive! don't ever do that again, you understand?!" I yelled while hugging her.

"Let go Malfoy!" Hermione said while laughing. "I just woke up from the second coma in the past 2 months!"

We laughed and hugged as if we would never let go.

Well, we'd never let go until McGonagal ran in.

"Granger!" She said. "Oh I'm so glad you're awake, but I am afraid I have some bad news. Get Potter and the Weasley's."

I ran out and down the hall. It was 3rd period, so Harry and Ron have DADA and Ginny has potions, Snape's 2 classes, but he wasn't teaching anymore.

I reached the DADA room first and I burst in.

"Excuse me." I said. "But McGonagal has requested to see Harry and Ron for a while. They may not even return today."

"Of course." The teacher said. "Boys, you are dismissed."

Harry grabbed his stuff and we ran to get Ginny.

I made the same speech for Ginny and we dashed back to the hospital wing. Hermione was sitting up, drinking butter beer and McGonagal was sitting at the end of her bed.

"Oh good." McGonagal said. "You're here. Have a butter beer and sit down. You'll need to."

All 4 of us grabbed a butter beer and sat on the bed next to Hermione's.

"Okay." McGonagal said. "I have some terrible news. The death eaters who survived the war are reuniting. They're trying to et their hands on 2 things: the pieces of the elder wand and a time turner."

"What in merlin's saggy pants are they going to do with those?!" Ron exclaimed.

"Well, Mister Weasley, if you could mind your language I would tell you." McGonagal said.

Ron mutter something undetectable and McGonagal continued.

" as I was saying," she continued. "The Death Eater are using the time turner to stop Harry from Killing Voldemort and to save as many Death Eaters as possible. They have already succeeded in saving one. "

"Who?" Asked Harry.

"I'm sorry." McGonagal said. "But they have saved Bellatrix."

"But that means..." Ginny said, holding back tears.

"Yes." McGonagal said. "I'm sorry, but Molly Weasley is dead."

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