Death & The Burrow

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*Hermione's POV*
Dead. Stone Cold. Pale. Dead. I stared at their bodies. I felt as if my heart had crumbled into a million, tiny pieces a was now dust inside my chest. At first, I just stood there.

Then, I broke down into tears.

I fell to my knees and cried, sobbing hard into their chests, as if my tears would make their hearts beat again.

I sobbed for a very long time. I don't know how long, but long enough to make the sun go from shining into the room to hidden behind the houses across the street. I continued to sob.

I sobbed for longer and then I heard something. It was a voice and it was calling my name.

"Hermione!" it called. It was Ron! I sobbed harder so he hear me and see if I was upstairs. I didn't have the energy to yell his name, just cry.

"Hermione! What's going on!" This voice was Harry.

"Hermione!" The third voice was Ginny.

"Come on, guys. She's upstairs." Ron said. I heard three pairs of feet coming upstairs. I kept crying even though they were here.

They burst in. Ron spoke as soon as they came in.

"Hermione!" he said "What's-" he stopped at the sight of my parents bodies. No one spoke for a while. They just allowed me to continue crying.

Soon enough, someone else entered the house. It was Mrs. Weasley. "Ron, honey?!" she called, "Where is she!"

She came upstairs and saw me.

Molly approached me carefully, as if I was a bomb, about to blow.

"Come on, sweet heart," she said gingerly. "There's nothing we can do. Come on, we'll bring their bodies and bury them with Dobby."

She carefully pried me from their dead bodies and lead me downstairs. Harry came next, carrying my mum and then Ron with my dad. Ginny came last, tears silently streaming down her face. She looked as if they were her parents too, she was so sad.

Mrs. Weasley lead the way to our fire place. We used the Floo network to get to the Burrow. We went in pairs. First came me and her, then Harry and my mum, Ron and my dad, and Ginny went alone.

Once we were at the burrow, Mrs. Weasley made me a nice cup of honey tea, without magic.

It was the one, simple action that impacted me so much. At first I felt happy. "She was trying to make me feel at home" I thought. But, then I felt infuriated. "What's she thinking!? She can't replace my mum!" I thought again.

When she came over to me, I smacked the mug out of her hand.

"Don't." I said and stormed upstairs to Ginny's room. I flopped onto her bed and sobbed again. I sobbed for hours until I heard a quiet knock on the door.

"Hermione?" asked a timid Mrs. Weasley. "May I come in?"

I nodded and she entered. She sat next to me and held my hand. I laid my head on her shoulder and silently cried.

"I'm sorry." I said. "I don't know what came over me. I thought you were trying to be like my mum. I just was sad she was gone and thought no one could replace her. Not even you."

"It's quiet alright, my dear." she said. Her voice seemed as if she had been crying too.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed into her. I cried into her shoulder for a while and soon, fell asleep in her warm, friendly shoulder.

As I fell asleep, I thought about the one thing that had puzzled me. Why was there a Dark Mark above my house? They Malfoy's were the only death eaters left.

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