Helping Ginny

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*Ginny's POV*
I ran upstairs, startled that George would do that. I'd never heard him yell. I flopped on my bed and began to sob. 'What was wrong with the world?' I thought 'First Fred, now Mr. & Mrs. Granger & now George is yelling! Ron has barley spoken to anyone since Fred's death, Percy left again, all Charlie does is sit in his room, reading and writing and dad and Bill just play with random muggle things! This family is falling apart!' I sobbed harder.

Suddenly, I heard a soft knock on the door. "Ginny?" I heard Hermione say. "Can I come in?"

I sniffed. "Sure."

She came in and sat on my bed. She grabbed my hand, looked me in the eye and said, "Talk to me. What's wrong?"

"Well," I began as I wiped my eyes. "I'm worried about our family. You and George just sit around, staring into space. You're both thin as a twig and pale as the whitest snow. Ron has gone strangely mute since your parents death, Percy's gone again -"

"Git." Hermione interrupted me.

"All Bill and dad do are sit around and play with muggle things and Charlie doesn't even come out of his room. He sits around reading and writing! Mum is even worse. All she does is cook and clean and she'll through a FIT over the smallest speck of dust! Our house is TOO clean! I miss our old family. The messy, busily, friendly, talkative Weasley's. I am I the only one?" As I finished my "speech", if you will, I began to sob again.

"Here." Hermione said. "Accio handkerchief!" The handkerchief flew into her hand and she handed it to me.

I smiled and blew my nose. "Wow. No wand magic."

Hermione smiled back. "I've been practicing."

I blew my nose again and sighed. "Will the Weasley's EVER be the same again?"

"Of course Ginny." Hermione answered. "We just need time to recover."

"Thanks, Herms." I sighed and blew my nose. "Well, let's go brush our teeth and get ready for bed."

"Okay." Hermione said and walked to the bathroom.

*Hermione's POV*
"Okay." I said. As I walked to the bathroom, I thought about what I just told Ginny.

'Would we ever be the same?' I thought 'Come to think of it, I haven't seen Ron this whole trip.'

As soon as I was in the bathroom, I began to change.

I had just finished pulling on my bottoms when Ron walked in on me.

"Ron!" I exclaimed, first angry, then excited. I ran up to him, threw my arms around him and kissed him. He kissed me back and it felt great.

Once he pulled away, his smile faded and he became serious.

"Herms," he said, "never do that again."

I was shocked. "Never kiss you again!" I exclaimed! "But, how! I, I love you!"

He laughed. I smacked his arm. "WHY.ARE.YOU.LAUGHING!" I demanded, smacking him with each word.

"I didn't mean never KISS me again! I MENT never starve yourself and sit around doing nothing on my couch all day again."

Now it was my turn to laugh.

"I'm serious Herms." he said. "Promise me."

"Fine." I laughed, "BUT! One thing."

"Okay." Ron agreed. "Anything."

"One more day." I said.

Ron looked confused, so I clarified.

"Give me one more day of morning." I said. "George AND I need it."

"Okay, fine." Ron finally agreed, after a moment of consideration. "Good nigh, love."

"Good Night." I said going back to Ginny's room.

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