Draco's Suprise!

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*Draco's POV*
I got my owl today. Apparently, all 7th years (from last year) were able to return and do another year! I went to Diagon Alley and got everything I needed. I ran into Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny. We didn't even speak. Maybe they didn't notice me. I tried to be nice and smile at them. They didn't reply. Oh well. I'm very excited to go back. My parents have been away for a while and I've had my house all to myself. It's been good, but lonely.

When I got home, I found another owl waiting for me. It was another Hogwarts Letter. This one was even more exciting than the last one. It read,

Dear Mr. Draco Malfoy,
We are please to inform you that you have received the position of Head Boy this year. We hope you are pleased and except the position. Please write a letter and send it to us by owl as soon as possible. Thank you.
Professor Slughorn, Head of Slytherin House

Head Boy! I never thought I'd get that position. I always thought Harry Potter would get it. Well, I'm so happy! I wrote a letter to Hogwarts in return telling them I accept and am very pleased. Then, I write one to my father and mother telling them the news and if they weren't back by the time I went back, I send my love and miss them.

The next day was September 1st, so I made myself dinner, took a hot shower and went to bed, tingling with rxcient for the next day. I laid in my bed for an hour before realizing I couldn't sleep. I decided that I'd do something that'd put me to sleep. I got up and walked around the empty house, searching for something to do.

I decide to play the guitar. Everyone wonders who I learned. I kind of did muggle things when no one was home. I never told anyone because my father despised of Mr. Wesley. Mr. Weasley was in the Ministry of Magic for Muggle Affaires. I don't think it'd be a good idea to tell my father I was into muggle things.

I pick up the guitar and strum it. I decide to play my favorite song, If I Wrote You A Love Song. It's kind of slow and very sweet. That's why I love it. It's so... not me. As I told you, everyone thinks I'm bad. That's not true though. On the inside, I'm really sappy and sweet.
If I wrote you a love song,
What would you say?
If I wrote you a love song,
would you
You know that I love you.
You know that I do.
But what would you say.
If I wrote you a love song

It wasn't a very long song. That's why I like it. It's simple, sweet and short.

I played it a few more times and decided I was going to have snack. I went to the kitchen and found... a surprise.

It was Professor McGonagal & the Portrait of Dumbledore.

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