[𝟐]. storm rising

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"Yipee! I knew I could count on you, [Y/N—"

"Cool. Awesome. Amazing. Where's the lyre now?" The [e/c]-eyed girl glanced over to the bard.

"Ehe... a domain..."

She paused.

"You're coming with me."

"Of course! I would never leave a troubled friend with remorse!" Venti cheered, humming gleefully as [Y/N] facepalmed.

"Eek! It's Acting Grandmaster Jean!" Paimon cried, taken aback (midair?) as Venti and [Y/N] tilted their glasses at each other.

"Cheers!" Venti giggled, chugging down a bottle of dandelion wine as the pyro-vision wielder opted for some [favorite juice].

"Yeah, cheers," [Y/N] hummed, bringing the glass to her lips as the two immortals enjoyed themselves.

Earning strange looks from the entire group, the two couldn't care. After all, they were about to venture into a domain with Diluc and Aether... let a pal have some fun, yeah?

"When should we head off?" Aether asked, looking at [Y/N], then Venti, then Diluc, then Jean.

"Right now," Diluc stated blankly, his arms crossed.

"Eager one! Only expected of Master Diluc!" Venti smiled, glancing over at his companion who was popping a painkiller into her mouth. It wasn't of the same levels as Rex Lapis' offered painkillers, but that was to be expected.

"Alright. Let's go."

Diluc glanced over at Venti with uncertainty, questioning whether the bard should be able to go. Clearly, Diluc wasn't very educated in the skills of the bard, instead, he has educated in the drinking habits of the drunkard... not a very good impression, per se, but it scored Venti a cute little home inside a barrel.

"Don't worry about him. You'd be surprised at how powerful he actually is," [Y/N] nodded, reassuring the male at the entrance of the domain.

"Ehe!" Venti snickered from behind the [e/c]-eyed girl, his fingers covering his mouth with a smug attitude Diluc grimaced at.

"Traveler, when you use your anemo, make sure not to swirl the pyro too much, yeah?"


Upon entering the domain, the fog took up most of the sky. Wind currents were set afloat and rocky blocks were connected together like puzzle pieces.

The air was chilled and sharp, piercing your lungs as a Door of Resurrection lit up, a small green hue appearing in between the branches of the 'natural' source. It was similar to Taishan Mansion, fond memories resurfacing at the tips of your brain as you seemed to be reliving that century-old moment.

Taking the lead, Diluc headed into the wind current, taking flight with a pitch-black and fiery red wing glider as the traveler followed soon after.

You sighed. A small breathy pocket of mist leaving your lips as the faintest chants of abyss mages could be heard from your very spot below the ledge.

How'd you wind up here again?

You didn't know what was worse. The fact that both you and Master Diluc were pyro users, or the fact that the Traveler and Venti were both anemo users.

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