[𝟏𝟖]. sincerely, [y/n]

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"Welcome to Bubu Pharmacy..." A monotone voice dawdled on as soon as you burst through the door, your arms still supporting up Venti as you peered over the counter.

"Oh, you... Qiqi does not remember your name. Qiqi is sorry. All Qiqi knows is that you are a friend," The zombie child nodded, reading her notebook as her eyes bounced back and forth. From her drawing of you to... the real you.

"Hello, Qiqi! I was wondering if you had any warming remedies for Venti?" You leaned over the reception desk, struggling to look down at the girl as she nodded slowly, heading under the cabinets to look for a warming potion.

"Is this what friend was talking about?" The girl held up a beaker of contained flames. Sparkling dangerously inside the glass, you clapped happily once the girl got up and placed the container on the counter.

"Yeah, thank you! Err, how much will that be?" You sweatdropped, preparing to sell a lung or two to get Venti warmed up.

"Free. For friend, it is free. Qiqi says free."

"Oh! ... Do you need anything in return?" Patting the girl's head, Qiqi closed her eyes in deep thought, leaning towards your touch.

"Yes. Lantern Rite is soon... in... a few days, or so. When that happens, Qiqi wants you to bring Qiqi a Xiao Lantern."

"A Xiao Lantern?"

"Yes. They are not hard to make, I just... forgot," The zombie child pat her forehead, indigating her noggin was empty.

"I see... well, I will try my best, Qiqi!"

"Thank you, [Y/N]."

Both you and Qiqi gasped.

"You remembered my name?!"

"Qiqi remembered...?"

I left Liyue before the Lantern Rite became a thing! [Y/N] screamed internally, clutching her head in distraught as Venti was (regrettably) back to normal.

"Worried over the promise that made Qiqi scurry?" Venti grinned, sending the adeptus a wink as she was having a midlife crisis.

"This is your fault... if you hadn't had froz—"

"I'm the victim here!"

"And you know what? I might as well be the murderer!" The girl retorted, the two bickering like old people as passerbys merely spared close-eyed smiles.


"Here ye all the Qixing's words:

Rumors and hearsay abound on the streets that Rex Lapis was murdered. Now, let the truth be revealed. Having been thwarted in his trial, Rex Lapis' soul has recouped the celestial heights. He beseeches the people of Liyue to grieve not, and to not let their hearts be saddened."

"Ah... um... Paimon needs a translation of what that means," The mascot looked over to Aether who merely deadpanned.

"It means Rex Lapis died because of a divine trial."

"... What?" The mascot scratched her head, confused at the new story while the Traveler merely shrugged.

"Anyways, look! It's Ningguang and Keqing! Are they saying something?" Pointing in the direction of the two diplomats, Paimon eagerly floated towards the crowd of citizens.

"We, the people of Liyue were indeed prosperous. But blinded by our prosperity, we forgot that time can be pitiless," Ningguang spoke, the group of adults watching were silent in vigilance for their 'fallen' archon.

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