[𝟏𝟒]. trustfund baby

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"Haha! Trust me, there is no need for returning the money to me! You can just go to Northland Bank and convert it to Mora—"

"No," Aether spoke, interrupting the Harbinger as his ocean eyes glinted dangerously under the sun.

"What? Why?!" Paimon exclaimed, crossing her arms as she faced her companion, it seems as though the mascot was more greedy than she advertised.

"Have you already forgotten what happened in Mondstadt?" A new voice darted through the air, prompting the conversing group to turn their attention towards a certain [e/c]-eyed girl and green-clad bard.

"Ah, Signora!" The floating pixie nodded, an index finger pointed upwards as Childe's eyes narrowed, his charming smile contrasting the look of hostility in his irises.

"Next, we need some Everlasting Incense. For this, we need to go to Bubu Pharamac—"

Pausing mid sentence, Zhongli observed the sight before him. If he had a say, he'd dub this interaction between [Y/N] and Childe as a stare off between wolves.

"Is... everything okay?" The consultant's gaze trailed over to the adeptus— as if he only heed to her description of the event and not the Harbinger's.

"Everything is fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be going," Childe cleared his throat, piercing the deafening silence as Venti spared a shit-eating grin towards the ginger.

"That Snezhnayan citizen surely did not seem too happy with us!" The bard hummed eagerly, ignoring the narrowing gaze of distaste from Zhongli.

"I want to impale his heart," [Y/N] smiled maliciously, intent on ripping his little Fatui mask to shreds.

"Hey, hey! He's the one sponsoring our funds!" Paimon gasped, trying to convince the pyro-wielder to hold back on the murdering.

"Okay. After we strip him of his mora, we kill him."

"No! Not that either!"

"Anyhow, what's the status of the funeral, Traveler?" Venti queried, a tad bit too excited at the mention of Rex Lapis' funeral.

"Ah, well we just put the Cleansing Bell and perfumes down... so next is..." Paimon sweatdropped, looking over to Zhongli for answers as the consultant merely rested an index finger on his chin.

"Everlasting Incense."

"Yeah! Whatever that is!" The mascot nodded along, clearly having no idea what the consultant was talking about.

"Haha! Have fun! I'll just be at the Third-Round Knockout!" The bard exclaimed, turning around as he prepared to rush off to the tavern,

—If it weren't for [Y/N] latching onto the ends of his cape like a fish.

"And just where do you think you're going?"


"Must this... err... drunkard accompany us?" Zhongli's eyebrows furrowed, ignoring the constant pokes and jabs to his shoulder and side as Venti kept prodding the consultant like a slime.

"Well, Paimon thinks it's better than leaving the Tone-Deaf Bard at a random tavern in Liyue! Don't you agree so, Mr. Zhongli?" The mascot mused, her tone as confused as Zhongli's.

"Anyhow, this is the top-quality, famous, best pharmacy in all of Liy—" The consultant spoke, only to be cut off by a certain bard as Venti whistled obnoxiously.

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