[𝟗]. war hero

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"[Y/N]! [Y/N]! You know the Guardian Yaksha, right? What does he like?" Paimon asked hurriedly, rushing up to the [e/c]-eyed girl as she glanced up from her lotus dish.

"I'm pretty sure he likes almond tofu."

"Almond tofu? What's that?"

"Almonds and milk."

". . . Isn't that just almond milk?"

"Don't ask me."

"Compared to Jueyun Karst... this place seems basic. Are we really gonna find an adeptus here? Let's take a look! Paimon reckons he'll be out on the balcony. Heh, doubt we're gonna find him in the kitchen," Paimon floated quickly up the stairs of the inn, excitedly looking around for an adeptus, or at least, a peculiar person.

Upon reaching the balcony, the wind blew harshly. Cool and calming, refreshing and familiar.

"Wow... last time we were here, it was really beautiful... but at day, it's even prettier!" Paimon stared in awe. Colors of all hues— yellow like his irises, orange like Rex Lapis', blue as the bard's orbs that stood beside you.

"Ah, Liyue truly isn't as old and moldy as its archon!" Venti commented, ignoring the glare he received from you.

But for now, his comment was the least of your concerns.

The heart that was restrained by your ribs pounded, pulsing with an imaginary glow that only those with wild imaginations could see. Your [e/c] eyes, honing in on the wind, the invisible gust and breeze of the Earth were strong—too strong for a place as high up as the balcony.

And then, and then, and then—

You felt it.


Qingxins, crystalflies, jade, power. Swirling in the wind, black and turquoise. Familiar shades, familiar presences, and familiar—

Golden eyes.

A purple diamond.

Jade clouds that speckled his arm.

Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes. You didn't need to use them to see who it was, for you knew. The lingering presences, the sudden appearance of an imaginary person that Paimon yelled at during the campfire all those days ago—

His footsteps, light and airy, no sound being made... but no sound needed to be made.

"To the blind, everything may not be as it appears..."

That voice. Oh, so familiar. The same tone and calling that sent you off to Mondstadt for the first time. The same aroma of sweet flowers and mountain peaks, the same black gloves that had been used to fight by your side, the jade spear he wielded so magnificently...


You knew he saw you too.

And for the briefest of seconds, you opened your eyes, your mind felt airy and light like a cloud. Staring at the male before you, your breath hitched.

It was really him.

And during those minuscule seconds, [e/c] eyes locked with golden ones.

"So you've finally returned, huh?" He seemed to speak, his gaze unblinking and powerful, the same as it had always been.

"Admit it, you missed me."


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