[𝟓]. with the wind

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Venti could only smile once you had accepted the Traveler's offer.

'She's always had an urge for justice,' the bard would say with a somber laugh, strumming his lyre in hopes of lightening the sinking feeling of his heart.

You deserved to be free. After all, centuries of hanging out with him would grow tired eventually. You had always had to bail him out of trouble, oftentimes sacrificing your own reputation to do so.

You were doing what he'd always encourage—letting go, taking off into the sky like the first birds of Teyvat.

Holding his lyre to his side, his form left with the wind.

"Any last things you need before we go, [Y/N]?" Paimon asked, fluttering next to the girl as her [e/c] eyes were trained on the sky.

"Huh? What are you looking up fo—" Peeking up at the sky, Paimon's eyes widened as soon as a dove came diving down towards the group, honed in straight for [Y/N] as the girl held her hand up into the sky upon instinct.

"Ehh?!" Bennett and Paimon yelled simultaneously, ducking away from the bird as it flapped delicately on her hand.

"There's a scroll in its mouth...?" Aether asked, peering at the paper as the girl took it out of the dove's talons, opening it with her free hand as she stared down the contents.

"So? So? What is it?" Paimon asked, intrigued at the dove and sudden letter.

"A letter," the girl blatantly responded.

"From who?" Aether added, following up Paimon.

[E/C] eyes glared up at the sky, the clouds rolling in from the horizon.

"Rex Lapis."

"Oh, I just realized. Aren't you wearing the same clothes as that bard from the tavern?" Bennett asked innocently, gazing over at you with a wondering expression.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. I am. I needed some clothes." You shrugged, glancing down at the green and white garments, tracing your hand over the patterns of your cape.

Ah, talking about Venti, you needed to say goodbye.

"Do you want to start walking to Windrise? I'll meet you there." You tilted your head at the traveler and Bennett, both of whom nodded quickly.

"Yeah! We can go finish some commissions, right Bennett?" Aether turned his head to the newly-added boy.

"Sure! It's been a while since someone adventured with me!"

You bid a temporary farewell and headed off to Windrise, your gifted cape fluttering in the wind behind you as the dove from earlier took off.

Where is he... Glancing around at the empty plains, [Y/N] could only ponder where the bard had left off to. Something was telling her that he was still in Windrise, but was about to depart.

"Looking for me?" A harmonious voice cooed, a figure materializing next to the girl as familiar braided hair and turquoise tips appeared in sight.

"Venti..." She breathed quietly, the two sharing a harboring silence as Venti stared at the girl with an awestruck expression.

[Y/N] blinked rapidly as the bard pulled her in for a hug.

"You're leaving for Liyue, right?" Venti murmured, his breath brushing against her neck, sending riptides of shivers down her spine.

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