[𝟏𝟕]. the dove

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"Do not let the Fatui disrupt the adeptis' work!" A Millelith soldier called, charging into another heap of Fatui agents as Lady Keqing unsheathed her sword.

"All able Millelith, with me!" She commanded, stopping briefly to round up some soldiers.

"Let's go help too!" Paimon cried, hovering beside Bennett and Aether as the unlucky adventurer slammed his fist down onto the platform, an inspiration field of flames rising as the blonde backed up into the circle.

"We adepti have not faced a god in several centuries. Hmph, let one see what strength you possess, then," Cloud Retainer declared, firing more missiles from the Guizhong Ballista as more power charged up in the turret, a bright light so blinding no mortal could withstand it.

In retaliation for the barrage of missiles, Osial quickly rebutted with an array of water streams— similar to the one that had nearly split Aether into two.

"What is that?!" Paimon yelped in shock, dodging a bullet of water while Bennett was fending off the West Guizhong Ballista from attack.

"That is Osial's divine power," Xiao paused, the lightest of shivers running down his spine, "I am very... familiar with it."

"Be careful not to get hit," The adeptus nodded, disappearing into thin air before reappearing before the face of a Fatui agent, kicking the unfortunate soul right in the chin as the Yaksha sent the Fatuus man flying off the side of the Jade Chamber.

More and more portals opened up, revealing an abundance of Fatui agents as if they were indestructible lotuses.

"Snezhnaya's diplomats will answer for this afterward," Ningguang grimaced, still powering the mechanisms with her geo as Osial began to charge up more and more hydro energy, coursing through the streams of Liyue and running into the ocean the god called his home—

"Calm down, Aether," A new voice resounded in his ears, flooding his senses like the water that had just flooded Liyue.

The blonde listened. He calmed himself down, steadied his breathing amongst the bloodshed and battle cries that plagued every part of his mind. Everywhere was war, everywhere was pain and hatred of festering destruction since the dawn of time.

Osial. Osial was powerful, Osial was hatred. Even as a mindless god, Osial had such disgust towards Liyue.

"Don't lose heart, youngins. Take this," Madame Ping spoke, replacing the unknown voice that grounded Aether. With each strike the blonde made, shockwaves of power exploded from each impact.

"Woah! This granny's really strong!" Paimon exclaimed, still hovering by Aether's shoulder as the Traveler swung and swiped, beads of sweat mixing with the pouring rain.

"With the blood of the Qilin, I guard you against evil," Ganyu closed her eyes, a blue orb resting in between her palms as the sphere exploded into ice shards, raining down icicles and freezing the unfortunate Fatui.

"My name means 'swiftness', take my power and run as I do," Xiao sent a burst of anemo energy towards both the Traveler and Bennett, donning his mask, he began to plunge into the floor of the Jade Chamber, turquoise spears rising from the platform.

"Ehe! Do I get some power too?" A jesting voice exclaimed, revealing Venti from a pile of unconscious Fatui soldiers as the bard fired another vortex arrow, rounding up some agents in its midst.

"Nope!" A burst of flames appeared, swirling like a pillar as it hit a cryo agent directly on his forehead, sending him flying back and over the edge of the Jade Chamber as blood-orange eyes crinkled in amusement.

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