[𝟐𝟎]. the galaxy

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"Ehh... excuse me?" [Y/N] flinched once a woman with the Millelith behind her approached the adeptus, her eyes stern and narrowed as she eyed the sword-wielder up and down.

"You! You're the one Miss Ganyu requested!"


"We have no time to waste, Miss [Y/N]! I apologize for acting so rashly! But I must get you to Lady Ganyu right away!" The woman grabbed a hold of the adeptus' arm, dragging her along the streets of Liyue and into the lower building of the Liyue Qixing.

"Oh, [Y/N]! What brings you here?" Ganyu peeked through the doors of her room, eyes wide in shock as she was met with the sight of you being bound by a strange woman with the Millelith behind her.

"K-Kimora? Is something wrong?" The half-adeptus panicked, eyes darting between the woman and you, confused at what was happening.

"Lady Ganyu! I have found the '[Y/N]' you requested!"


"... Didn't you request for a '[Y/N]'?"

"I... I requested for a leave to hang out with [Y/N]!" Ganyu exclaimed, freeing you from your constraints as embarrassment painted her features.

"I apologize, Lady Ganyu! I will leave right away!" 'Kimora' rushed out of the half-adeptus' office, leaving you alone with the Qilin as she cleared her throat.

"I'm very sorry, [Y/N]. Kimora is a very... eager young woman, she's pleasant, I promise."

"Haha, no problem. It's nice seeing you again, Ganyu," You straightened up, dusting your arms from just having been squeezed to death.

"Yes, it is! I'm sorry we had to meet in such circumstances," The pearl-blue haired woman smiled bashfully, rubbing the back of her neck with an exasperated sweatdrop. Meeting you during the battle against Osial was not something she had expected to experience.

"It makes for quite the show," You shrugged, observing her office with interest. It was really... Ganyu. Plants were grown and nurtured, soft carpets and vintage wooden desks littered the floor as the room looked like some sort of cloud oasis.

"How have you been, Ganyu?" You queried, looking up and into the woman's pinkish purple eyes. You didn't know exactly what color they were, they swirled like a galaxy— constantly on the move and colored beautifully.

"I've been... well. The people of Liyue are truly incredible," Ganyu smiled, scratching her cheek before gazing back at you.

"How about you, [Y/N]? I'm sure traveling Teyvat with Barbatos would be very eventful?"

"It is. He's a dumbass like no other," You nodded, grinning once the Qilin let out a faint giggle.

"Is that so? I'm sure you have quite the experience in dealing with such personalities."

"You're right. First it was the Yaksha, now him," You avoided saying Xiao's name, knowing he'd probably appear in this room while you were having a moment with Ganyu.

Ganyu is prettier than ever! You exclaimed internally, amazed at how she aged(? or stayed) after all these years.

"Haha, indeed," The half-Qilin chuckled, covering her mouth in respect before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"It's nice to see you again, [Y/N]. I must admit, the adepti have suffered many losses since your departure."

"You seem to be fairing just fine, though."

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