[𝟐𝟑]. destined

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"You're still here?" [Y/N] called in disbelief, observing the anemo-adeptus as he seemed to have stayed put since the Skybracer display.

"I could say the same for you," Xiao spoke without looking over at the [e/c]-eyed girl, his pupils still honed in on the lanterns as they continued to litter the sky without any restraint.

"Actually, I went to go do some productive stuff," Talking in a matter-of-factly tone, [Y/N] could only peer with one eye as the Yaksha seemed to observe her every movement. From the rustles of wind in her clothes to the movements of her lips, nothing went unnoticed by his perceptive gaze.

"You have something more to tell me," Xiao stood up, staring at her face-to-face as he seemed to unconsciously read her mind.

"Actually, I do."

"Well, what is it?"

"I'll be leaving Liyue in three days."

Xiao's eyes widened for the briefest of moments before regaining his composure— a sight so swift that a mere blink would miss it.

"Leaving?" He bit his tongue. Of course you'd leave. Who was he to think you wouldn't?

"Yep. It's okay to confess your undying feelings of why you wish you were me! Come on, say it!" You closed your eyes proudly, crossing your arms in defiance as you awaited Xiao's declaration of praise.

... That never came.

Wow. Such disrespect.

The Yaksha's gloved fists clenched, tense and frustrated before relaxing. As if the words in his throat died and the breeze came to an abrupt stop, his swift heart slowing like the river's currents.

"I see..." The adeptus hummed before turning around, a strong gust of wind blocking your vision, dwindling once Xiao had disappeared along with the sudden element.

Huh. Maybe I told him too abruptly. You looked around, deflating once you realized:

He's gone.

Whatever! You'd haunt him 'till the day he dies!


When Xiao said he was not interested in literi fanfiction, he meant it.

Even while he had been walking on Teyvat for thousands of years more than others had, he would never shake off the feeling of guilt whenever he heard tales about 'the Dove' or the 'Guardian Yaksha'.

Because in those tales— the truth was twisted so deceptively for entertainment. Mere mortals would never understand what you had gone through, and listening to such only made his blood boil.

So never would he have imagined that Venti— that damned bard— would make a contribution to the pile of garbage tales.

"A snake. Sly and deceiving, befriended the Yaksha and dove. There, the duo became a trio, and the three fought evil together."

Xiao tensed, fingernails digging into the material of his gloves. He hated that story in particular— he hated it because it was true. There once was 'A snake', a snake that had promised to be by your and his side until Liyue no longer stood.

And that was right, that was what was supposed to happen.

Until it was revealed that the snake was your treacherous gift of resurrection. What seemed like a blessing then, turned out to be the worst decision he and Rex Lapis ever made.

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